Hi there...
There are a few lakes I'd like to backpack/tube to this fall. The lakes are a few miles to hike to. I'm thinking a large hiking backpack.. any thoughts, or better yet pictures of how you do this?
This one is large........=)[url "http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0S020nOv4JM_EQAuceJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBxOWlna3JiBHBvcwMyMgRzZWMDc3IEdnRpZANJMTI1Xzc1/SIG=1m21kn20m/EXP=1283723598/**http%3a//images.search.yahoo.com/images/view%3fback=http%253A%252F%252Fimages.search.yahoo.com%252Fsearch%252Fimages%253Fp%253Dlarge%252Bbackpack%252Bfunny%2526b%253D19%2526ni%253D18%2526ei%253Dutf-8%2526y%253DSearch%2526xargs%253D0%2526pstart%253D1%2526fr%253Dyfp-t-955%26w=450%26h=450%26imgurl=images.clipartof.com%252Fsmall%252F36526-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Gray-Mouse-Student-Wearing-A-Backpack.jpg%26rurl=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.clipartof.com%252Fdetails%252Fclipart%252F36526.html%26size=67KB%26name=...%2bStudent%2bWear...%26p=large%2bbackpack%2bfunny%26oid=820f65e5bff287da52509c6fa035bee1%26fr2=%26no=22%26tt=497%26b=19%26ni=18%26sigr=11jdl117e%26sigi=134rhbur1%26sigb=13uurqbi2"]
![[Image: thumbnail.aspx?q=242386282548&am...b604ef7666]](http://ts1.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=242386282548&id=387a5335fcf21ed4ce0410b604ef7666)
Joe as a complete inflatable does your Prowler Roll down into a manageable package? My Fat Cat has the foam seats so is not great for backpacking. Years ago I bought a gently used Wood River Glide Rider (no longer made) for my backpacking needs. It flattens out nicely, doesn't weigh more than 6 or 7 pounds and can be inflated by mouth. I could take it and full camping gear with my framed backpack.
Are you daytripping or overnighting?
God Bless,
Two important things to consider: weight, weight and volume. If you don't have a lightweight float tube and a do have a lot of gear, maybe one of those lightweight single wheel folding gadgets used by hunters for bringing out downed game (especially the 2 man) could be adapted?
I have found that removing the bladders from my 8 # ODC 420-L and separately folding cuts the volume and helps balance the load. You may have to practice reinserting bladders so there are no twists and voids but my 420 is easily done. There are inflation bags that can be used instead of bulky and heavier pumps, also lightweight fins, telescoping paddles. Compact rods that assemble in sections is best where the trail is tight. Patch kit that works instantly-or electric tape. Run a practice pack/unpack/assemble session, time yourself and leave set overnight to check for leaks. Not a good idea to pack a wet 'tube, so allow a few hours dry time after removing from water. That's just the fishin part, good luck with getting all the remaining survival gear in a single backpack.
[quote atvaholic]Hi there...
There are a few lakes I'd like to backpack/tube to this fall. The lakes are a few miles to hike to. I'm thinking a large hiking backpack.. any thoughts, or better yet pictures of how you do this?[/quote]
[quote smallmouth89]Joe as a complete inflatable does your Prowler Roll down into a manageable package? My Fat Cat has the foam seats so is not great for backpacking. Years ago I bought a gently used Wood River Glide Rider (no longer made) for my backpacking needs. It flattens out nicely, doesn't weigh more than 6 or 7 pounds and can be inflated by mouth. I could take it and full camping gear with my framed backpack.
Are you daytripping or overnighting?
God Bless,
Don, the prowler does not fold that well....im still working on it. I'm planning to buy a large hiking backpack and hope I can fit the prowler/waders/pump/tackle. For now, it will be day tripping. Im considering a cheap float tube for this also..but at 6' 250 pds, not sure what options there are.
[#0000ff]A lot of the popular tubes have backpack straps available as an aftermarket accessory. These attach to your inflated tube and up the trail you go. That works fine for short hikes and day trips but if you need to crash through brush, trees and tight corners it can be unhandy...and result in damage to your tube too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you get serious about tube hiking...and have the net spendable to afford it...take a look at the [url "http://www.flyfishusa.com/float-tubes/pac-trinity.htm"]OUTCAST TRINITY[/url]. It is only 6# and rated for 325 pounds. [/#0000ff]
Thanks for all replies! Geting the backpack straps will work for some trails, but not others. Id like to know more about these inflaction packs? My barrel pump is big and bulky and need alternatives.
[#0000ff]The type of bladder and air valve you end up with will determine what kind of pump you need. Some can be inflated to a satisfactory level with lung power alone. Others require a pump to bring the cover tight enough to fish well.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you need a double action pump you can get a small cheapie at Wally World or a few other places. These do not add much weight and can be fitted with the adaptors for different valves.[/#0000ff]
[url "http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0WTefip44tMZzkAtq.jzbkF/SIG=137fu7h2p/EXP=1284322601/**http%3a//i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo329/poolsystems/ps-website/Swimsportz/pump.jpg"]
![[Image: pump.jpg]](http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo329/poolsystems/ps-website/Swimsportz/pump.jpg)
I have one just like the red one but in black. It works very
well to top the tube with air. Its very small and light.
Not the best quality but works......
Just my 2c.
What do you guys think of this one?
I don't know how well it works as a pump, but was looking for a dry sack to fit the back of my ODC anyway. Seems to have multiple possibilities for camping use. Lightweight and compact as well.
[quote atvaholic]Thanks for all replies! Geting the backpack straps will work for some trails, but not others. Id like to know more about these inflaction packs? My barrel pump is big and bulky and need alternatives.[/quote]
Here's another one used for camping mats:
Might be Ok for topping off at higher than lung pressure, IF you can find one for boats.
[quote pontoonman]What do you guys think of this one? [url "http://www.bigagnes.com/Products/Detail/Accessory/Pumphouse"]http://www.bigagnes.com/.../Accessory/Pumphouse[/url]
I don't know how well it works as a pump, but was looking for a dry sack to fit the back of my ODC anyway. Seems to have multiple possibilities for camping use. Lightweight and compact as well.
[quote atvaholic]Thanks for all replies! Geting the backpack straps will work for some trails, but not others. Id like to know more about these inflaction packs? My barrel pump is big and bulky and need alternatives.[/quote][/quote]