me and friend hit deer creek early this moring man was it slow!! i caught 1 smallmouth and 1 perch. my buddy however out did me and caught a cat fish!!! can someone tell me why and how they are there and what should we have done with it?? sorry the pics are from my phone not that great. oh and what kind of cat is it??
[cool][#0000ff]Oh man! That is a black bullhead...also known as a mud cat...or mudder. There have been several reports of channel cats in Deer Creek but that is the first time I have heard of bullheads being in there. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We have also had verified reports of white bass in Deer Creek. I guess some bucket bozos are trying to turn it into Utah Lake. What a shame.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hope you kept it and disposed of it somehow. Of course if they are already well started one fish is not going to make much difference.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You should also report it to DWR. Keep the fish to show them, along with your pictures.[/#0000ff]
Thats wild. The last thing I thought I would ever see was a cat from Deer Creek.
Yeah Like TubeDude I heard of channels being in there.
I would like to think that they could not take over the lake—tool cold.
I would tell the DWR! Bucket biology is a crime.
I've heard of crappie being caught there in previous years here on BFT and I think that whoever is doing the bucket deed has been at it for a while. I hope that the illegal introductions don't have a terrible impact on the perch and the rainbows. DC just isn't nearlyas fertile as Utah Lake and I think we are going to see boom and bust cycles from here on out, especially in drought years, except for the planted rainbows.
thanks TD it wasn't put back in the lake and i notified the ranger at the boat ramp he didn't seem that interested in what i had said but tuesday i will call and email the photos to someone at the dwr office thanks again.
FISH ON!!!![fishin]