I wanted to hit Bear Lake before next week Salsa Boyz get together. I launched at the marina at 6:45 and Reilyfish was launching right behind me. Only fished until 9:30 since I had to work later in the morning. Started out trolling (and looking for fish) just off the north end of the rockpile in about 60-65 feet of water. Dropped the riggers (one with a flatfish and one with a rapala). Caught my first fish (cuthroat) about 15 minutes later on the rapala. I was not marking many fish and I wasted about an hour dragging the lures. I decided to move out deeper and east of the pile in about 70-75' of water where I have done well in past years about this time. So I headed out to my "September" GPS points. About 1/2 hour later I had a big hit on the large flatfish. This fish just literally sat on the bottom and there was nothing I could do except be patient. It took 15 solid minutes for this fish to budge. Another couple of big runs back to the bottom every time I would get it up about 30 feet, but I managed to net the fish while my dog starts to bark at the fish. It was my second largest laker from Bear Lake. 35.5" and just over 22lbs. It was fat and healthy. A quick unhooking job and the fish was released. No pictures since my wife needed our camera today. The fish are just starting to stage in the deeper water.
Wow nice fish scott. looking forward to next weekend
Nice report Scott, looking forward to getting up there .
Impressive mack Scott, thanks for posting a report a week before our get together. Looking forward to getting up there next weekend and checking it out. By the way, did you check the water temp?
Surface water temp was 67. I also check fishermen today (Sunday 9/5/2010) and cutthroat were biting very well along the east side. Pop gear with a spoon, a dodger with spoon or rapala, and flatfish were all working today. Fish were from the bottom and up. Suspended in about 45' or more of water. Bottom depth did not seem to matter. Look for "marks" on your fish finder and then target the fish.
Your September GPS points? would that be on the east side?
Thanks for the info Scott, sounds like the fishing and the catching will be good this coming weekend[

Scott and I pretty much had the lake to ourselves the first hour. Then a few other folks hit the water for a total of about ten boats on the West Side.
I caught and released two Cutts the largest being right at 4.0 lbs. Nice fish. Both fish were caught on Trophystick baits. one on a Cisco looking stick and the larger cutt on a trophystick that was in a rainbow color.
Like Scott already said. Water temps ran from 65 -67, 64.5 when I went out Sunday Morning. I got a big Zero on Sunday. One good solid hit on the old Bear lake flatfish on Sunday and then nothing. Weather was great,
Did not mark alot of fish. Trierd from 80 feet int 35-40 and really didnt find a group that I would have been excited to drop on and Jig. I would be prepared to Troll next weekend and hope more fish move in to get excited about trolling.
Good luck to all of you next weekend. Wish I could make it. I will get back up another time or two this fall for a little fish and Hunt combo.[

The funniest part of the whole trip was the Marina on Saturday. IT was a total ZOO at 9:30 to 9:45. glad I got off when I did. CRAZY. We did watch a good crash on Sunday. Lady pulled up with the trailer to load up their boat, cut it to short and slammed the trailer into the whole side of a nice black chevy pick up. SAD

Mark has got that right. Getting off the lake by 9:30-10am is the only way to go for the holiday weekend. I left at 9:30 on Sat. with Mark. I was a zoo at the ramp. Next weekend should be tame since all the kiddos are back in school and the main tourist season is over at Bear Lake. Lets fish!