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Full Version: Fishing in Spartanburg SC
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Hi there,

first I'd like to introduce myself. I'm a fisher from germany, spending much time at the water. My favorite fishes are carps, pikes, basses (Flussbarsch in germany) and white fishes (Stipp-Fishing).

In six or eight weeks i will travel to Spartanburg SC by work for one or two weeks. As a "fishing-junky" [Wink] I'd like to fish some days in Spartanburg and so I hope you can help me to answer some questions. So here they are:

In germany we need a test to go fishing is it the same in america or can I (as a foreigner) fish there without a test?

What about fishing licenses in america (especially SC)? Do I need a license for every lake or river I want to fish or are there licenses I can fish in more than one lake or river?

Where can I get a license (especially in Spartanburg SC)?

In cause of the short time I will spend there I won't take any fish with me, I only want to fish a bit for fun. Is it legal to release fishes after catching or is it like in germany that you have to take every catched fish with you?

If I will be in Spartanburg I'd like to buy me some cheap fishing tackle for bass fishing. Is someone here who knows good bass fishing grounds in Spartanburg or in the area around?

Many thanks for your help.
you need a license for every state you plan to fish in, not every lake, how ever many parks require you to pay an entry fee to get to a lake if it resides inside their park.

When you get there, just ask the nearest person you see "where is the nearest bait shop" you can get your license there, park entrance fees if apply usualy can be picked up at the front gate of the park.
Weeds is one of the best shows on television. Each season is a pleasant comedy. Mary-Louise Parker is absolutely phenomenal Nancy Botwin.Parker with support from a list provided reliable support that brings humor and heart sometimes. Weeds’ fifth season in the engine of a more, we see the true colors of these charecters. Nancy continues its downward spiral and drags her youngest son Shane with it." Silas is the emotional center of this highly dysfunctional family, and 18, became the real father figure. Andy tries to escape capture of Nancy to start his own life, while Celia tries harder than it is a different person, and sometimes really trying to be Nancy. This seasonis coming to accept the inevitable.Viewers are interested in the psychological structure of the charecters crazy. The end of the season promises to present several themes introduced in this season. I can not wait to see what happens next.
Weeds is still my favorite show on TV, layered, funny, deep and always surprising.
Gruss Schwalmangler,

Heute hast du ein bischen Gluck bekommt. Durch zufall habe ich dein Post gefunden. Ich bin Americana und arbeite bei BMW hier im SC.

Die Anworten deine Fragen:

1) Im USA braucht Mann keine Fischerpruefung zu machen. Mann braucht nur "Fischerschein" und richtige Identification.

2) Der Fischerschein wird uber den ganzen Staat gueltig sein.

3) Im SC gibt es 2 Fischerschein, einer fuer Saltzwasser und einer fuer was wir heissen Frischeswasser. ( Im Spartanburg gibt es nur Frischeswasser) Das is was du brauchst.

4) Du kannst dem Schein von jedem Wal-Mart einfach abholen.

5) Die Fische die du fängst kannst du mitnemmen oder zuruck im Wasser werfen. Sogar ob sie tot oder lebendig ist. Es ist egal. Aber die Größe des Fisch kann manchmal sehr wichtig sein ,wenn du es mitnemmen willst.

6) Du kannst sehr billiger Tackle auch von Wal-mart kaufen.

7) Seen in der Nahe Spartanburg.

Lake Bowen
Lake Blalock
Lake Cunningham
Lake Cooley

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Viel Gluck und viel Spass bei Fischen gehen.
