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Full Version: Utah Lake Walleye and White Bass 6 Sep 2010
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[fishin] Hit UL @ Provo Boat Harbor this morning 11AM-3PM with the kiddo and some of his family.

The white bass were a little hard to find at first, but they were found and we had a ton of fun.

They were biteing everything we had and one kid was even using a plain TD jig head and picking up joke!!! We ended up with some 85 White bass and 1 walleye...They were everywhere!!

Ivan Picked up one nice eater size eye on his first cast....he was super excited...he was shaking when I got to him on shore!!!

Happy fishing,

Shawn M
[cool][#0000ff]Nice work guys.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Keep thinning the herd.[/#0000ff]
Will-do Pat. Hope the average size will go up, but I don't think we are even putting a dent in the huge population.

These are so fun to catch....they were inhaleing your red glitter chart/black eye sickle hook with no bait, plastic...anything....awesome.

[cool][#0000ff]Do you mean that stuff actually works?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Maybe I should try it sometime myself.[/#0000ff]
Yup, the ONLY jigs that were working were the ones with hooks in em,

Shawn M
hey thanks for the report looks like another great day on the water with a nice catch. Thanks for sharing I need to get down there soon
Yeah, it would be fun to head out with you and your boy again. Panfish should be under the docks and in harbors soon and are starting already. Keep in touch,

Shawn M
Nice catch! Who got to fillet them all? How did you work the jigs? Were bouncing them vertically or trolling around with them?
We had a group and started a line to process them and it got done pretty fast. They are already all eaten....good stuff!!

We trolled till we found the school and then we just vertical jigged. They were all right under the boat in about 2.5-3' of water.

The bass were harder to find than in previous weeks, but when you find one, you find a hundred. As I said earlier in the post, they destroied the small plastics we had on and I got tired of putting new ones on so we just used plain jug heads with nothing on and they were attacking them...doubles most times. I think they attacked it beacuse other ones wanted it, thus they wanted it. When they are schooled up they do crazy stuff.

Cool Stuff, Good Luck,

Shawn M
Shawn ain't lying when he is talking about using plain jig heads to catch them. When you find them and they got the feed bag on, they will hit just about anything. A few weeks back I hit the lake early in the am and saw the whities boiling the water. I didn't have anything tied on yet except for my catfish rig which consisted of a red hook with a few chartreuse bling beads (hope that term isn't copyrighted Pat). I got a wild hair up my nose and tossed that bare hook into the boils. I caught 6 white bass dragging that hook 'n beads through two separate boils. Crazy? Yes. Fun? YES.
[quote FishKillr][/quote]
We trolled till we found the school and then we just vertical jigged. They were all right under the boat in about 2.5-3' of water.

The bass were harder to find than in previous weeks, but when you find one, you find a hundred. As I said earlier in the post, they destroied the small plastics we had on and I got tired of putting new ones on so we just used plain jug heads with nothing on and they were attacking them...doubles most times. I think they attacked it beacuse other ones wanted it, thus they wanted it. When they are schooled up they do crazy stuff.

Cool Stuff, Good Luck,

Shawn M[/quote]

Thanks, We were at UL on Saturday and got skunked. I didn't know if I was just in the wrong spot or my presentation was all wrong. We pretty much did what you described so now I'm thinking we were just weren't in the right place. Although we were in a spot that had good reports just a few days before. [:/] The boy and I may try and give it another shot on Saturday. We live so close to Lincoln Beach I'd really like find the fish and utilize it more.
Yeah, they are tough to find. I had trouble on Lincon Beach, but in that area south of the south arm there are usually some that want to play. Troll Slow till you pick up one and then stop and catch em. They are moving a ton and spots that were good an hour ago may not have even one fish left when you come back. Hope you get into em next time.

Good Luck,

Shawn M
[quote wagdog]. . . a few chartreuse bling beads (hope that term isn't copyrighted Pat). . .[/quote]

Pretty sure that's a French word - "chartreuse", Pat may be pretty creative and makes a lot of stuff, but I don't think he can claim that word. [crazy]

I've had that kind of action with ocean perch before - plain gold hooks, nothing on them. The little buggers do get competitive. Reeling in some perchlets at Newton- I've watched as the schools of basslings chase after - they all gotta get in on - whatever it is! Dragging a jig along the surface, everytime you dip down, raise up - a whole school follows. Silly little buggers!

When I hit blue-gill boils at Mantua, I'm sure they would have hit anything that dragged through. Saw my bubble-float-bobber get jumped a number of times before the trailing jig came along to give 'em something to sink their teeth into. (or something for me to sink into their teeth!)

So do you see the white-bass swarming on the surface like their big-brothers the Wipers? Or is it just an under-water feeding frenzy? That is quite a bag you landed! Sounds like maybe the perch-poles could come in handy - no reeling, just lift and flip.
Thanks for sharing. Good post!
They do boil and it seems like it is usually way early mornings or right at dark in the harbors. They are harder to catch when they do this as they are surface feeding and really dont care about my jig a few feet below em, but others catch em all of the time on a small fly when they are acting like that.

As for your pole idea....I carry a 3' piece of pvc with an eye screw in it,6' of 12lb test line and my jigs and it is great for when they are like this. A regualr pole is just too long and clumsy when you are working that fast and they are all over.

Shawn M
I meant bling beads not chartreuse. Sorry for the confusion [Wink][Wink]
What did you troll with?
For trolling to locate the fish I like to use a rig TubeDude taught me. It produces a ton of noise and can really bring them in even when the water is muddy. Once we find them we use small curly tail jigs or flies (maribou) tandum rigged....I think small is best when you find the school.

Our trolling rig is usually a silver spinner with a chart/red trailer (fethers or the such tied on to single hook on spinner) then 1' of line to a barrel swivel, then 1' again up the line to a small jig or curly tail. They will hear you coming using a slow troll.

Good Luck,

Shawn M