09-07-2010, 09:00 AM
<br /> I got a chance to spend the morning with my friend Lowdrag on the water. He has a new house and with the moving and packing and unpacking he has been a little busy. We started on the breaking fish but could only catch one fish, so we moved. Did better on the second spot with a total of nine. Moved from there to some more shallow water breaking fish , same story, no takers. Made six or seven other stops with just one or two fish here and there. <br /> We fished from 7:00 am until 1:00 pm, water temp on the main channel was 77.5. This cooler weather is starting to cool the water temperature just a tad. We landed 14 fish and lost 4 or 5 more between hook up and the boat. We had 1 fish on a chug bug, 1 fish drop shooting and 12 on a CRig. All the fish on the rig were deep, 20-30 ft. We did not catch a keeper today.....