Fishing Forum

Full Version: craazyboutbass, Parksville, Spots, 9/5/10, Jimwarden
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<br /> Not going to post much about this evening. It wasnt anything special, other than the weather being great.<br /> We put in at 5:30 and fished til dark. Stayed on our same pattern fishing the points/dropoffs with dropshots. <br /> The fish were pretty slow today... had lots of heavy boat traffic and a nice little cold front that probably took effect on the bite. We managed a total of 15 fish this evening w/4 small keepers. They were all caught between 13 and 24FT of water. Did have one that I set the hook on and it took off like a big spaaat.... and as usual the hook pops right out emoBang Theres my good one for the day that got off LOL, happens just about everytime I go up there, have atleast one good one pull loose or break off. <br /> Water temps were right at 82F this evening. Definatly beats the weather being 95F/humid and water temps being 87-88F all day. <br /> Pleasure boaters were terrible. Had this dumb woman in her jet ski keep riding by us all day like she was trying to show off emoScratch She ran between us and a point 2 or 3 times... and all kinds of idiots blasting rock/rap music at the highest volume... thanks for the ear rape! You could literly hear them from the dam to the bend on the upper end of the lake emoDoh <br /> Oh well, its a holiday weekend and its warm enough to swim and ski.. so what should I expect? LOL<br /> Gonna get back out there tuesday or Wed. evening this week and give it a whirl. Hopefully a good bite will be kicking in soon, where we can get back to our 30-50 fish days.