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Full Version: Nice carp did you guys c this.
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Here is pic
[inline Carp.jpeg]
holy crap!
This is a big fish, but I would love to see that 90 pound record they talk about
HOLY MOLY! That's "Goldie"! I flushed her 40 years ago...I thought she was dead! WOW Now that is quite the catch!
Smiles Always!
This looks like a photo shopped pic. That looks more like a Koi than a carp !! Anyone have verification on this one ????? has the article check it out.
I was partially correct, it is a Koi !!! Carp are a big deal in Europe and Britain. Everyone practices catch and release.
Koi, carp....what's the difference? That's a pretty cool fish. I bet it fought like mad. Carp are an under estimated fish that can and do fight like no other. If you're going to let it go anyway, what difference does it really make? A fight is a fight.
You got that right! They can be beasts - my son always says - "stupid carp" as many folks revile them, but though they may wallow and flop around - you put a hook in their lip, and they'll rip some line! When they want to move, they book.

The [url ""]Huntington Gardens[/url] in PaSadena Ca has some ponds with koi. And I'd bet some of them are 30+ lbers - some seriously big, old fish. I've kept koi, goldfish in my own pond, and they do grow well. I start with the feeder goldfish, and they get up to bass-size. The small Koi go from 3 inches to about 8 in a summer.

So to the title - do fish smell?

Yes - makes the house stink for days after a fry! (why I'm required to perform that task on the BBQ outside!)
I've read how sensitive Catfish are - they smell with their whiskers, and all down their sides even.

I've heard some scent can make all the difference. I've tried squirting various flavors on lures. One other tip - if you're hooking a worm, "spoil" it - cut a tip open so it's "juices" can spill out.

Thanks for the article. Nice read!
I honestly thought that was a hoax. You know what photo software can do?[cool]

Looks for real though.[:/]

I wonder what it would taste like?[laugh]

Hmmmm......maybe like moss mixed with Utah Lake water flavoring. Who knows.[shocked]