Hi all: It's good to be back after a major computer crash. How do you fish for those Crowley Perch? I fish in Crowley quite a bit, but always for trout. My grandson and I are looking to catch that $10,000. fish. The trout are off limits except those 18 inches or more and caught on barbless hooks. So lookout perch.(That's if we can find the right way to catch them).
Hello Big george!
What $10,000 fish?
Hey Mike: "How they hangin!" Crowley has a record Sacramento Perch weighed in for an all time record.(I don't know what it is) If at any time you catch a bigger one you win $10,000. Also they have a tournament going on for the month of August. I don't know the prize for the month. So we are fishing next Tuesday or Wednesday for either or both the lake record or the month's record.The competition will be strong, I have seen anglers fileting over one hundred perch in the fish cleaning sink. Yes, there is no limit on them.
Sounds like a blast! How exactly do you get to Crowley?
Well, I'm back from the Sierras. We couldn't fish Crowley because of bad weather so the perch escaped. Actually, we could have roughed it but didn't because we had 6 kids from age 10 through 12. The thunder storms are an experience in the Sieras, so we fished from shore at Lake Mamie and Lake Mary and caught limits of planters for all. Inflated worms and power balls did the trick. My grand daughter caught a 5 pound Alpers for the biggest fish. By the way Lake Crowley is 30 miles north of Bishop on 395. You have to use artificial bait with barbless hooks. The tourney continues through August.