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Good read !

Thanks for a good post and good read!
I fished with a guy who could practically use a bare hook and catch more than me. There were times when I would get so frustrated with him that I would make him set up my rig, and guess what, I caught more fish even though we were fishing with same stuff the same way. Maybe I just stink [:p]

BTW, I have used the Brad's Super Cut-Plug Lure, stuffed with oily tuna, it worked really well! I have wanted to try it around here, just haven't done it yet...
I just got back from fishing for king Salmon with my Son on the Columbia River, I put Smelly Jelly Herring scent on my lures. It worked ! See photo's

thank you, I enjoyed the post. Learned something new from it
Totally jealous! Those are great looking fish!

When I mentioned that I had used those cut plugs before, it was on the Columbia and also in the ocean just over the bar (buoy 4 maybe?) I love the area. And your pics are so typical, heavy clouds, cold rain gear, etc. Had a trip planned up there for Salmon a few weeks ago but at the last minute my friend back out (Bless His Heart!) [frown]