09-11-2010, 09:00 AM
Spent the day with some good people...Stanley Smith, Mike and Gil Johnson down on Guntersville. We started on the upper end of the lake early...We boated 15-20 good fish, plus what Stanley calls a lake record (it was 6 inches and tried to each a 4 inch sammy...photo below) that was one hungery little spot, our best five would have been around 18-20 pounds....we pulled out and trailered over to Mud Creek to meet up with some friends...this was a little tougher of a bite...they really wanteed a rat/frog bite. It was slow from about 10:30 till 2:30pm we managed a meger eight fish and nothing over 3 pounds....Gil Johnson tagged the best at just over 3 pounds....These fish have started to move to a fall pattern and fishing will only get better from here on out. Water temp early was 79 and by 3pm it was 84.8, most fish came on top water. Give me a call and let&#39;s go Fish&#39;in<br /><br /><br />