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Full Version: River fishing Kings , how ?
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I had a request on how I fish for the fall river King run so here's the basics I use .
If anyone else has a favorite way , please post your set-up .

It's your same steelhead bottom bouncing set-ups for the most part , with the line test being the only major change . For cromers I usually fish with 4# ,5#, or 6# test line , with Kings the lightest I go with is 8# test line when conditions are very good but more often than not 10# or 12# test is required (all good quality mono line, don't use the cheap stuff). During heavy high waters or crowded conditions you will need 17# test fireline in the 8# test diameter.

Three way swivel attached to the main line , 4" to 6" weight line with 3/8 oz. pencil lead or split shot . Leader line is usually 3-1/2' to 5' in length with flies ,wax worms or spawn on a #6 or#8 circle hook .
I usually take all three baits with me when I go , for flies stoneflies, and glo bugs produce the best but you need very strong hooks like Mustad or Owner in them .

Kings are best fished during the night time hours when they travel in the river going from hole to hole every other couple hours .
During day light hours they will stay in the same hole most of the time unless crowded out by other fish or they get line shy and are driven out .

Fishing reel , well a good open face reel or spin cast reel with a smooth drag , Kings can strip a reel in seconds flat and turn them into junk .

Rods , I use a good 10' noodle rod but any 6' or longer medium to medium to heavy rod will do .I've seen lots of guys pull fish in on every kind of rod there is , it's all about the rod , reel line and knowing how to play the fish that gets one on your stringer .

Any other questions or details about specific conditions , just ask away . I'll do my best to give you a strait forward answer .

See ya' on the river !