09-12-2010, 09:00 AM
<br /> Headed out real early this morning...early enough to run the main head lights. Little Austin was excited to be running down river in the dark at 70 mph. Ha!<br /> I swear the Crappie decided to take the day off for us. Seemed like we just couldn&#39;t get the consistent bites we had like last week. Not to mentioned they were a tad deeper today too. We caught some decent keepers on the bottom of 20-25 feet on bridges. The docks just didn&#39;t do well for us today at all! Our favorite spot didn&#39;t produce the numbers either. Still fishing the Baby Shad BG and Soddy C Tubes. <br /> We did manage to keep 18 keepers...2 small blues...1 Spot and 1 Flat Head. <br /> Talked to Fluke after our first stop. He sent me a text message with a pig of a largemouth! 6&#43; lbs. Ran on down river to let Austin see it. Talk about big eyes! He loved it! Teddy and Randy finished 2nd today with 16 and change. They also got big fish! Congrats fellers! <br /> Looking for a better day tomorrow.....