I didn't have the time I would have liked yesterday, so decided on going to Newton. On the one hand I did catch alot of fish, however I was only catching tiny basslets with the biggest one maybe being 7 inches. I moved around a bit but those little guys are pretty much dominating the shoreline. I saw a few musky splashing around so i busted out my second pole with a crankbait but no such luck. I didn't catch a single perch or crappie[frown] but at least the bass population is doing fine. Newton was extremely low, but I still saw a boat or two out fishing (don't know how legal that was but at least I didn't see any rascally water skiers out). I did have fun but felt a little disappointed I couldn't get much else.
Yup - lots and lots of basslets along pretty much all the shores. I've found perch underneath the bass schools, a bit deeper out from shore. Along some of the points and bends. The crappie I still haven't figured out.
I wonder with the lower water, smaller area - do the musky have so much to smack on they won't need to bother with lures? Or does it congregate them and make them easier to find.
Legal to take a boat out? Why wouldn't it be? If you have a small enough fishn' boat, or canoe - it's not like they close the lake?? I was surprised at some of the boats that tried launching a few weeks back. Now - I'd hardly expect any beyond a rowboat. Since that's basically what I have...
Thanks for the report
The musky do come in and eat those basslings. They just tend to wait until evening when the light gets lower, and then it's game on. Right at dusk one September evening last year I hooked into 3 in pretty much 3 casts. Granted the first jumped 3 feet out of the water and tossed the hook, the second I landed, and the third was only on a couple of seconds before he bent the hook straight. I need to get back over there, especially now that the ski boats are gone. Which reminds me, I saw a big fancy Hummer pulling an equally large and fancy ski boat heading for Newton yesterday. I wish I could have seen the look on their faces when they got to Newton and found a little mud puddle.
I was also there early Sunday Morning....about froze to death- I forget how cold it gets this time of year.
Much the same: tons of tiny bass and some decent perchies. No muskies though.

I was out there Sunday afternoon until dark. Pretty much same Bass story...a few nice Perch but mostly teeny ones. My son got snapped off by a Tigger while reeling in a Perch. That thing shot straight for shoreline at us!lol I threw out some cranks, buzz and spoon but no takers. Boy at dusk it was a leapin frenzy with those minnows they were shootin straight out of the water everywhere. Pretty fun to see. Wonder where the Big Bass were hiding?
Smiles Always!
So is the water still drawing down? Were there any boats out at all? I'm sure canoes can still go. Just wondering if a little flatbottom like mine could still launch.
At least there's still perch out there. I did spot up a couple bigger bass up the far end near some of the irrigation pumps. Some tree/weed stucture they seemed to "own", surrounded by schools of flippy fingerlings.
Too damn smart - every cast just chased em off. Tough when they can look you in the eye!
That area's probably above ground now.
LOL! I get a kick out of you! I don't fish Newton like I used to because of the Tigger Traffic hype..and it's killin everything off out there. Very

to see 20" LMB and 40" Tigger carcasses layin on the banks. Not my favorite to fish right now but it is nice to check out once in awhile..I remember 25 years ago catching 5llb rainbows and 10llb kittykats out there!!...those days are gone...
Yes you can get a small boat in the drink with a bit of muscle. It sours me to see what I see out there..DRAT!
Smiles Always!
Hey ma,this is your cuz Shaun. I was the little boat out there last night, I think I may have almost ran you off the road at the dam, I get way to distracted looking at the lake. If that was you sorry.
I caught one decent bass after about a half hour but then got distracted. I set my pole down to unhook and release the fish and when I went to pick it up, it was nowhere to be found. Went swimming and tried to get it till dark with no luck so I went back out with my wife tonight dragging a bar on the bottom and somehow snagged it, LUCKY!!
I wouldn't recommend launching, if you do use 4 low and stay as shallow as you can. ( I only have my trailer tires half way in the water.) it is steep and loose, I got sucked in on the way out Sunday and completely swamped my boat. Be careful I've heard a story of a bigger boat & truck having to call a wrecker to come pull them out this year.
Captain Shaunster Monster! LMAO about your rod! Glad you found it! I have 3 rods in the Bear River...hate that feeling when you lose a rod! I saw you out there and all I can say is...YOU'RE CRAZY!lol No it wasn't me you tryed to run over. Let's go fishin you nut!
Smiles Always!