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Full Version: Auger Falls 9/11/00 -- Sturgeon Report
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For several years, I have been wanting to find some good places to fish for sturgeon from the shore -- the closer to Utah the better. I have read reports about Auger Falls, near Twin Falls, ID. Yesterday, Kory and I decided it was time to make the long drive and give it a try.

The first challenge is to cross The Snake River. There is an old washed out bridge that is in remarkably good condition; however, one must first get onto the bridge and then secondly after walking over the river one must get off of the bridge. Someone has stacked a couple of logs against the bridge that one can use to climb the approximate eight feet to get up onto the bridge (see attached scanned picture -- warning the file is huge). The other side has a drop of about six feet that is scaleable through the use of a concrete wing.

Then the approximate hike of one mile to the fishing hole begins. The hike is relatively easy until one begins to descend down into the canyon. It is a steep narrow path along an extremely steep canyon where one hopes that one doesn't either slip or fall.

Upon reaching the hole we weren't sure where we were to fish. Placed another call to a local angler (first call helped us know where to turn off of Golf Course Road) and after describing the area he was able to direct us to the area to fish. All day long I felt like I should be wearing a PFD, just in case I fell off of the rocky cliff into The Snake River. Kory was kind enough to make the final rocky climb down next to the water to release the sturgeon (it served him right anyway because he caught all of the sturgeon except for one that he graciously let me catch on his rod).

We started fishing about 8:20 AM and we both missed several good bites. Kory started hooking some of his bites and I continued missing mine. The bites definitely slowed down as the day wore on. We had the entire hole to ourselves until a couple of anglers showed up at 3:00 PM. We left at 5:30 PM. Final count was 6 sturgeon, one bass and one squaw fish.

Lessons learned:

1) Although my current sturgeon reels work fine for fishing from a boat they are inadequate for fishing from the shore. Except for the first couple of hours, one was able to get far more bites if one could cast further out into the current. I was unable to do that with the reels that I had. Also, after making my casts, the quantity of line left on my reels would have been inadequate for turning a large sturgeon before getting spooled.
2) If one is going to use a board to wrap the line around to break loose from a snag, be sure to get far away from the rod tip -- broke off a rod tip on one of my rods.[frown]
3) Need to haul extra fishing line or extra reels just in case one breaks off with a large fish or looses line to a snag. We were repeatedly snagged in the rocks and we donated plenty of lead to the bottom (made the hike back easier because the packs were far lighter than they were when we hiked in[Wink]).

Another great day of fishing with Kory and I will be back to try again; next time better prepared for the conditions.
Those are some nice, healthy looking fish. That is some heavy weight...probably for the current. Lots of Snags?

Shawn M
Nice fish.

There is another bank fishing area a ways down from there. It is discribed in this thread:;#530057

Don't know if it is as good, but it might be easier to get to.
Way to go guys, sounds like quite an adventure. I saw the tape measure in one of those picture, so what was the length of the biggest fish?
[quote FishKillr]

Those are some nice, healthy looking fish. That is some heavy weight...probably for the current. Lots of Snags?

Shawn M


We used from 6 to 8 ounces. Not a lot of weight for sturgeon fishing. The local angler who was kindly helping with directions reports that he never snags up there; however, it must be a Utah thing because we snagged every time we let out weight get on the bottom closer to shore than about 50 feet.
I believe that Kory caught one that went about 76 inches. We didn't catch anything huge, but still lots of fun. One guy had one on that was probably even larger. He lost it when his 30 pound mono leader (have no idea why he was using such light line for sturgeon fishing) got sliced by my Dacron line.
Looks like you will have the whole river figured out before long. Good Job. I can't wait until our schedules mesh so I can learn from the sturgeon master.

[indent]whats a squaw fish? your avatar matches your story thats cool. h
I don't believe that I was ever the "sturgeon master" but I certainly wasn't on Saturday. Kory schooled me big time. But I will be back with better tackle.
A squawfish is a northern pikeminnow that is in The Snake and Columbia Rivers. It resembles a white fish. It can be a real pain because at times they steal the bait as quickly as one casts out. There can even be a bounty on them:
[url ""][/url]
I explored that area this spring but I haven't fished it.
great post and I loved the pics!Sturgeon fishing is something that I definitely want to do, so I was excited about your post.
I thought you were going to try Sturgeon fishing from a float tube [Wink]
I don't even fish for trout from a float tube, so why would I be crazy enough to fish for sturgeon from one?
That video that you posted a few weeks ago made it look 'fun'
Fun for some, but alas I am not anywhere near that brave. I was proud of myself for climbing up eight feet to get onto a bridge and fishing from a cliff all day. That is about all of the excitement that I can handle these days.
nice dinos guys! ive fished there a couple times. do you mind to pm what you were using for bait?
Nice one kent love seein reports from dif areas[cool]
We had our best luck on pickled herring and one was caught on crawlers.
Very nice report! Looks like excellent weather and good fishing!

Is this area closer that the area we usually go to with the boat? And if so, is that the incentive to go to this area as opposed to the other area?

After experiencing the shore fishing in real life, what is your take on it? Would you do it again? Or is boat fishing still preferred? Was it hard getting all the necessary equipment to the fishing area? (I'm imagining coolers, backpacks, etc.)

On the poles/reels...I know what Cory's setup's look like, and it appears that his setup might have been a little more optimal based on how you described the situation. So do you plan on purchased a spinning reel for this situation in the future or can you load up one of the Penn 350's with heavy mono or braid instead of dacron?

Sounds like it was a really fun outing! I've been hunting the last couple weekends although I did make it up to Strawberry last Saturday morning for a couple of hours. Fishing is better than it has been, but still not stellar in my opinion. Only caught 16 with one over the slot. My daughter shot her first antelope in Wyoming last weekend! Anxious to hear your replies.
