Weve got a RAC meeting coming up on the 26th guys and gals. With all the different discussions we have had that seem to be of somewhat importance to us, I think we ought to get out there and offer our points of view or opinions. This is the place you want to tell what you think about certain rules and regs that are in place as well as ones that will be in place. I've never been to one before but I think its in my best interest to be there as the decisions that are made there will directly influence the future of our daily fisheries. I don't know how important they are for us to be there but im going anyway. Cat_man has posted the address in a previous post but here it is again.
Springville Jr. High
165 S. 700 E
Springville Utah.
Not sure what time it starts though, but I think its at 6 or 6:30. If anyone knows let us know
if your driving i'll take a ride down with you
Sounds good! I've got room for 2 or 3 more.
The RAC meetings are very informative. A great place to sit and learn. The greatest thing I have learned from attending the meetings is that 1) I am not a biologist, and 2) the state enployed biologists actually know what they are doing. A lot of times it seems so simple to us as fishermen, we make statements like "I dont know why they dont just do this...." Or, "all they need to do is this..."
In reality, they have a much better idea of whats going on and how to fix it than we ever could. You just have to understand thier limitations.
I gained a whole new kind of respect for the knowledge and expirience of the biologists at the dwr by attending rac meetings.
Just one hint though, if you are not 100% sure of what you are talking about and dont have the facts and numbers to back up your OPINION, be careful about stating it. Turn it into a polite question so you dont look like an incompetant idiot when they answer.
For you guys in central utah, this meeting will cover issues surrounding the provo river.
For those of us who love to fish flaming gorge, heres some of the items on the agenda.
The DWR will also recommend two changes aimed at improving kokanne salmon fishing at Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Under DWR proposals, the lake trout limit would be increased to 6 lake trout and fishing for kokanee salmon in the reservoir would not be allowed from Oct. 1 to Nov. 7.
"Kokanee salmon usually go through a two-year cycle. Numbers are good for two years, then they decline for two years and then they come back up," Pettengill said. "Kokanee salmon numbers haven't increased from the last down cycle and our biologists believe predation by lake trout is the reason. There are lots and lots of young lake trout in the reservoir and we need help from anglers to reduce the population."
Under DWR proposals, the combined trout and kokanee salmon limit would remain at 6 fish, but all of those fish could be lake trout. The kokanee salmon limit would remain at three fish and anglers could have only one lake trout over 28 inches. "This regulation would keep plenty of big lake trout in the reservoir while helping reduce the number of smaller fish," he said.
The Wyoming Game & Fish Department is proposing a similar lake trout limit in 2004 for the Wyoming side of Flaming Gorge.
The DWR will also recommend that fishing for kokanne salmon in the reservoir not be allowed from Oct. 1 to Nov. 7, which is the spawning season for the lake-strain of kokanees in Flaming Gorge.
I will be there with skeeter and hopefully BLM and a couple other guys. Feel free to come sit with us and learn. We will be at the northern utah meeting in Brigham city on the 27th.
So what's the deal, are there two meetings, one on the 26th and one on the 27th? Are these meeting in the same month or are the dates and locations wrong? WH2
Meeting dates and where are here .
[url "http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/news/03-07/fishing_changes.html"]http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/news/03-07/fishing_changes.html[/url]
Thanks for the info HA69, all has become clear now. WH2
I can either meet you guys there or you can pick me up here at Novell on the way. It's the University Ave. exit, 1 or 2 exits before the Springville exit. Let me know what you would rather do. It might be easier to meet you there, just let me know what you'll be driving/wearing.
We will play it by ear. I may have a new job by then and I dont know what that will do to my schedule. I did though get your number off of the last post and Ill get a hold of you or pm you. Ive never fished with carp meat before but im game for anything. I generally just use night crawlers.
Anyone else going or is this it?
Looks like it's loanfish, aquaman and cat_man. Anyone else coming?