I have decided to try Hite but I am worried about some of the reports coming in. Do any of you konw if the lake has turned over? There are reports of silty or murky conditions and I can't recall any heavy rain in the last 30 days that would affect river flows. The moon phase is still relatively favorable but need to know if I should bag it and wait for October. I would like to go this weekend and in October. Any input would help set expectations. I can handle tough conditions but need to prepare for that. If the lake has turned once already is was a few days ago and the weather looks warm for the next week so it should improve and be decent again by the time I get there Thursday evening.
Any words of wisdom out there?
I would post these same questions on Waynes Words website. It deals exclusively with lake powell.
You are over thinking it. I feel ok to say that because I was you about 6 months ago. I had never been before and was obsessing about the "perfect" conditions. I have since been back twice and this is my feeling. Go now and go in October. Go to Hite. I have a 23' foot deep hull boat and I was concerned about water depth and launching conditions. Pulled in and out of there 3 different times no problem. I wouldn't recomend doing it without 4 wheel drive but I was in a Suburban and did fine. Second, you can read until your eyes bleed on Waynes words but until you go down there and put experience to what you've read, it's just words. The fishing you are looking for is relatively close to Hite as compared to Bullfrog. The first time will be a learning experience for you but the second time it will all come together for you. Finally, it is everything they say it is! You will love it
Thanks Slimer - not a stranger to Powell but usually focused on other things, such as making sure the kids caught a carp or bluegill and that they got up on water skis...fishing was never the focus.
1st time to Hite though, so I want the trip to be successful. I am launching a 21' bass boat and have a 4x4 truck so no worries there.
I understand the analysis paralysis syndrome. A lot of fishermen get it. Again, trying to maximize my time off work and time on the water. You can bet I'll be back in October.
Fluke and Spook. Ya don't need any frogs.
They call me Bass man on the waynes words website. I just had a good friend come back from hite and reported the fishing as slow. The water was murky and there were too many shad. He reported slow fishing when he was trolling at 20 ft. He reported the black bass fishing was also slow along the shoreline. If you are headed to Lake Powell this weekend go to Bullfrog and camp at Stanton. They are having the North shad rally and everyone is invited. You will have a lot of people fishing for stripers and someone will figure them out. Just look for the red,white,and blue flags and go introduce yourself. Everyone will welcome you. They will have a fish fry on Saturday afternoon about 4:00 P.M.. Prizes will be given away and who ever catches the biggest striper for the weekend will get the NOMO prize (North O Mighty One).I was the NOMO last year! Camping at stanton costs 6.00 bucks a night. Go to the Shad Rally and have fun. I would be there but I am currently getting my boat in order. I would leave hite until October. Look for a Red Crestliner Boat W a Mercury 115 4 stroke. I will probably be at Hite 2 weekends in October. I don't go during the Full Moon. Bass Man !
Your very question about "lake turnover" was addressed on Waynes site. Short answer - no and won't happen until water temps are in the 50's - well into November or December.
Thanks LettsFish - That's my post on WaynesWords asking about lake turn-over. I have hit all the sites (I use different call names for each) for information. I know the fishing was tough last week due to the windy and murky conditions. From what I understand the weather has been fairly stable since last weekend so conditions should be improving.
I still plan on making the pilgrimage from happy valley. If nothing else to scope out places for October, enjoy a boat ride, and the Powell scenery.
There were people that caught some nice Stripers and a 16 lbder. They are boiling. It not rocket science just fish. We vacationed at 3 new lakes in Wyoming and caught tons of fish. We even caught Walleyes and Bows and Cutts with bobbers.