Hi, I am heading up to the Gorge this weekend. Any tips and tacticts to catch Burbot. Camping at antelope flats campground and have a boat set up to troll. Any info would be great. Thanks
Look for steep rocky shorelines, this time of year they should be hanging out by the streams where the koke's are running up. Start fishing from just before sundown on into the night. Use a glow in the dark tube with either sucker meat or try salmon eggs. as far as the depth goes I wouldn't think they would be that deep if their chasing the spawners. I understand they can be caught during the day also, I have always fished for them at night. I hope this gives you a starting point and good luck.
thanks for the info, I will give it a shot....
Nice EYE in your avatar !!! Anywhere north of antelope with rocks on it they will be... Work an area over if nothin happens move along ... I was up last month an we caught 6 or 8 in 40 ft o water near buckboard an we only fished em for an hour or so .. Def check out the koke spawnin spots fo-sure any thing that spawns in that pond is subject to nest invasions from them slimey a@@ bots.. Thanks for doin your part too more people need to drop the hammer on them an keepem in check !!!!!