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Full Version: Afternoon with the girls
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Momma was in desperate need of a break, creating a perfect excuse to go fishing. I loaded up the girls and we hit the car bodies at Hyrum. Caught around 15 bass in about an hour, nothing to huge, but the little ones had a blast. Nothing makes a dad prouder than seeing his little girl lippin her first largie!
Now thats something special that I look forward to [Smile] Looks like they had alot of fun. Nice post!
nice bass . looks like girls had fun .

good job getting the girls to lip them fish. My granddaughters drop the rod and run as soon as they get them on the bank. So the only photos of thier catch I have are of a pole and fish on the bank with little footprint in the sand.
Cute kids. I wish my daughters were that comfortable around the fish we reel in.
Ya know I beg to differ - some of them be some good lookin' bass! Looks like you were fishing from the shore. What were you using?

Sounds like they were pretty active. Looks like your girls had a good time.

My son went wild on that spot once with a simple little brass spinner with beads. Not even tipped. I couldn't even get off a cast cuz I had to keep unhooking his fish. They were tikes next to those. But hot action is always fun!
Lavaman told me had a good time with the Trouts Sunday afternoon. Haven't been up to Hyrum for a while might have to soon.

So was that a live crawdad? Been wanting to try some "dadding" but would like to try something closer. Ever soaked a chicken leg in there?

Nice Report
We were using a couple different things. Magic colored roboworms produced a few then I switched to a bass colored Yum Dinger, then to a pumpkin colored one. I tried a Yum crawdad, but the fall was to slow and the waves from all the boats made it hard to fish. The crawdads in there are as big as lobsters. The water has dropped so fast that by the time they dig out of the sand they die. They're not there in numbers but the ones that are there are big.
Nice one catmaster23[cool] your girls are brave[laugh]