09-15-2010, 10:30 AM
Well went to do some night fishing on Willard at 11 last night and was the only one on the north dike area. Set up my rod and sat back waiting and started to hear something skuttling behind me. Honestly I figured it would be a rat or mouse, looked over and could just barely make out a dark shape moving towards me on the rocks. It was roughly the size of a large cat so I I thought "Hey nice. Now I got a friend to keep me company". So I stood up and grabbed my flashlight. As I started towards the "Cat" I placed the light on it and froze...
Smiling back at me was the cutest darn black and white kitty I had seen in a while. . .
Unfortunetaly these "Kitties" are known for how easy they are to spook and their bad gas defence. Now I almost decided to try and scare it away but figured I had to go to a family reunion today and thought it unwise.
Honestly dont think I have stood so still in my life. Keeping the light on the skunk it slowly walked up to withen two feet of me and just walked right by without as much as a sniff at me.
Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me or else I think it would of been a pretty good shot. Though I imagine the flash makin the little guy upset..
Other then that five minute adventure it was another day without as much as a nip on the bait.
I was using nightcrawlers this time with my bait caster from the northern dike at the overnight parking area. I casted from right by the reed area down to the power box spot. Not a nibble or sign of a aquatic lifform of any type.
Now I hear about all these people complaining about getting dink cookies and calling 2 fish "Skunked" but honestly I would be absolutely giddy if I caught a single fish at all. I have not caught a fish in the last 7 outings. And before that Channel I caught in Bountiful lake I had not caught a fish for many more then that.
So if anyone wants to tell me where they like to fish in Willard and where I may have a bit of luck that would be great. I will post a picture showing where I usually go to feed the squitos.
Smiling back at me was the cutest darn black and white kitty I had seen in a while. . .
Unfortunetaly these "Kitties" are known for how easy they are to spook and their bad gas defence. Now I almost decided to try and scare it away but figured I had to go to a family reunion today and thought it unwise.
Honestly dont think I have stood so still in my life. Keeping the light on the skunk it slowly walked up to withen two feet of me and just walked right by without as much as a sniff at me.
Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me or else I think it would of been a pretty good shot. Though I imagine the flash makin the little guy upset..
Other then that five minute adventure it was another day without as much as a nip on the bait.
I was using nightcrawlers this time with my bait caster from the northern dike at the overnight parking area. I casted from right by the reed area down to the power box spot. Not a nibble or sign of a aquatic lifform of any type.
Now I hear about all these people complaining about getting dink cookies and calling 2 fish "Skunked" but honestly I would be absolutely giddy if I caught a single fish at all. I have not caught a fish in the last 7 outings. And before that Channel I caught in Bountiful lake I had not caught a fish for many more then that.
So if anyone wants to tell me where they like to fish in Willard and where I may have a bit of luck that would be great. I will post a picture showing where I usually go to feed the squitos.
