Ok here is a new subject. My fish finder is on its last leg[pirate]
Would like to here everyones options or pros and cons. Has anyone heard of Standard Horizon Fish finders????
[url "http://www.standardhorizon.com/indexVS.cfm?cmd=DisplayProducts&ProdCatID=84&encProdID=8C4F9C5570985FD3B3179295AC4D3ECD&DivisionID=3&isArchived=0"]http://www.standardhorizon.com/indexVS.cfm?cmd=DisplayProducts&ProdCatID=84&encProdID=8C4F9C5570985FD3B3179295AC4D3ECD&DivisionID=3&isArchived=0[/url]
Looks like Bass Pro is the authorized dealer.
I need to get a new one too, mine lies. The screen displays 300ft of water and my reel counter reads 180ft.
Funny Tommy's finder showed 136F water temp last tourney.
I prefer humminbird anything in the 500 series seems to be the most reliable and accurate at a decent price but never know to believe those things or not also helpful if they got gps built in [fishin]
[url "http://www.humminbird.com/leading_innovation/humminbird-sonar/side-imaging.aspx"]Side Imaging Sonar[/url]
I've always wondered if my hummingbird just shows fish to show fish... What kind of fish pile up on the bottom of mead at about 100 feet?
I just put the side imaging unit in my boat and it is bad a$$. I just need to spend more time fishing instead of watching the screen. The thing is pretty amazing.