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Fished Deer Creek after reading wiperslayers report I had to go. We got to the lake around 4 pm and launched at the Island Marina. Next time a go on a weekend I will bring a sling shot those PWC drive me nuts. I was catching several walleye on this drop off and then I got buzzed by two PWC's and the catching was over. The fish were in 30 ft of water on the east side by the road 6 walleye, 2 perch and 1 smallie. The lake is so low.... we need snow this winter bad.
Where exactly is deer creek? Is this a lake that can be fished from shore pretty easily?

Deer creek is up the canyon above Provo and before you get to Heber. There is no problem fishing Deer creek from shore, there is plenty of access. It is easier to fish in a boat because you can cover more area but as long as you are mobile and don't mind moving around, you can do OK. WH2