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Anyone fish in the canal that leaves Lake Lowell on the east embankment?I have been Catfishing there at night when I need to get out but cant go far and have done okay. I have been out there a few times during the day and seen some 18" plus rainbows being caught. I have also seen decent perch, giant bluegill, small bass and okay cats. Oh ya forgot to mention the guy that shot 15 carp with his bow in a little over an hour.

Anyone else fished there before?
Are ya talking about the canal at the Caldwell dam? I fished it last year fior a little while with idahopanfish & we caught some bullheads with worms.
Ya... Thats the one.
What issues is Lake Lowell having, someone said blue algae and it's not safe to swim in it. Does that have any effect on the fishing?
Lake Lowell has had algae bloom problems for decades. All the excess fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides from the surrounding farmland drain out into the lake. Plus there's a fish consumption advisory due to elevated levels of mercury.

Fun spot to fish, but I don't think I'd eat anything I caught out of it.
if you really want to be impressed. be there when they shut down the canal. lots of people salvaging fish. It's been a few years since i was down there, but i remember an Amish family once that had 2 large mouth in a five gallon bucket and it was so full, i don't think there was any room left for a crappie to fit in there. Lots and lots of carp, but i have seen some 15-16 inch crappie netted from the receding canal.

I never participated in the salvage, i would rather catch them on a pole, but it will give you a good idea of just how many nice fish are in Lake Lowell.

In 04 or 05, we caught 5 crappie in 30 min by the bouyes on the lake side of the canal outlet. all were over 15 inches, 2 were over 17. unfortunatley, i used a cheap taxidermist and it fell apart after a few years. when the water is low, you can reach it from the bank.
We fished there yesterday three hours or so. Two mid sized bluegill, one little bass and a native 14 inch trout.
If driving into there again I would avoid where the fires have been. It is loaded with nails.
Was that your first time fishing there?
[quote BigAl85]Was that your first time fishing there?[/quote]
For me yes, for the wife no.
Her dad would take them there as children years ago.