09-24-2010, 03:49 AM
09-24-2010, 04:08 AM
hot spotters and stringer fillers,both the same i never understood why someone who loves this small pond needs the glory .i guess some people like glory more than soilitude
09-24-2010, 04:49 AM
Guys, this has been an on going conversation for years. The truth is there are just as many big tigers in Causey, East Canyon and many more lakes. Even Huntington which is just as small as BC has nice tigers but will everyone that reads this report run up to BC to catch them, likely not, even though a few will. Why shouldn't members share their success with others, even on smaller lakes that some might call hot spotting? So what, if they catch their limit of legal fish, what business is that of yours? We have been criticized in the past is allowing folks like you two to harass members that are willing to share their experience and show folks what they have caught. If you don't like the report, please do not reply to it, with negative comments, thanks.
09-24-2010, 05:55 PM
what do you mean guys like you two,no one said the guy broke the law, just a opinion about a small lake and internet pressure.i have heard plenty of chat on here about if people should keep big fish or about hotspotting in general.
09-24-2010, 06:08 PM
good reply! dont get me started [laugh]
09-25-2010, 01:10 AM
[quote gettingthereok]what do you mean guys like you two,no one said the guy broke the law, just a opinion about a small lake and internet pressure.i have heard plenty of chat on here about if people should keep big fish or about hotspotting in general.[/quote]
You and brookieguy1 both are making comments about stringer fillers and so I detached that part of the thread and started a new one. The guy that made the post came on here to share his report , not for any glory and you start giving him a bunch of crap about filling his stringer and hot spotting. Hey, I don't believe in keeping most big fish or keeping any trout but there are plenty of folks that do so instead of telling him your opinion about what he is doing wrong by filling his stringer or hot spotting, in your opinion, just tell him thanks for posting his report or DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!
You and brookieguy1 both are making comments about stringer fillers and so I detached that part of the thread and started a new one. The guy that made the post came on here to share his report , not for any glory and you start giving him a bunch of crap about filling his stringer and hot spotting. Hey, I don't believe in keeping most big fish or keeping any trout but there are plenty of folks that do so instead of telling him your opinion about what he is doing wrong by filling his stringer or hot spotting, in your opinion, just tell him thanks for posting his report or DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!
09-25-2010, 01:47 AM
A while back there were some posts regarding elitists. Is there a similarity here or am I up in the night? Elitists in general give me a pain in the butt. Guy caught some fish, well, isn't that what this forum is about?
09-25-2010, 01:56 AM
sorry to wave wolf you do very good at the ol bc and other places i am sure.Wh2 i think the moderator job has gone to your head, nobody was too hard on wavewolf.It was just opinions expressed. .A forum is different thoughts and discussions so people can get educated.Remember the time you wanted to outlaw lurkers[cool].Now you want people to only compliment or say nothing at all.what a boring non informative forum this would be if you were in charge. i forgot you are in charge[shocked].
09-25-2010, 02:10 AM
[#804000][size 2]I don't know what this forum is about anymore either Geezer, but I guess that I will quit posting......... As a matter of fact, I just took a picture of a fly that I caught a Tiger Muskie on at pineview in the Muskie Lures post, at the request of a member.......I guess I'll be criticized for that now.[/size][/#804000]
[#804000][size 2]I'm an old man, who has never broken any laws, and I don't need this stuff! [/size][/#804000]
[#804000][size 2][/size][/#804000]
[#804000][size 2]I'm an old man, who has never broken any laws, and I don't need this stuff! [/size][/#804000]
[#804000][size 2][/size][/#804000]
09-25-2010, 03:10 AM
[quote GEEZER]A while back there were some posts regarding elitists. Is there a similarity here or am I up in the night? Elitists in general give me a pain in the butt. Guy caught some fish, well, isn't that what this forum is about?[/quote]
Yeah what he said [cool]
Yeah what he said [cool]
09-25-2010, 03:40 AM
You all have good Points here.
WH2 Simply said that he had moved the section of the post that got off topic and turned to another discussion to a new post to avoid a good post turning into a debate.
People, in general don't like it when they post a legal catch and people jump all over them for it.
If you have something nice to say reguarding a legal catch, then say it. We have an off topic board where others can voice opinons or whatever else.
I don't think any of you should stop posting, and I think the site is about helping out one another and catching Legal fish. If you don't have something nice to say about someones legal post, then don't say anything...you can start your own post on the off topic board (free of attacks and profanity) .
Shawn M
WH2 Simply said that he had moved the section of the post that got off topic and turned to another discussion to a new post to avoid a good post turning into a debate.
People, in general don't like it when they post a legal catch and people jump all over them for it.
If you have something nice to say reguarding a legal catch, then say it. We have an off topic board where others can voice opinons or whatever else.
I don't think any of you should stop posting, and I think the site is about helping out one another and catching Legal fish. If you don't have something nice to say about someones legal post, then don't say anything...you can start your own post on the off topic board (free of attacks and profanity) .
Shawn M
09-25-2010, 04:41 AM
The problem with your comments or opinions is that it hurts the person you are replying to and you get the opposite results of what you are trying to achieve. A better way to achieve your goal would be to make a post not directed at one person, start a thread that says, “What I think is wrong about hot spotting and people that keep their limit”. That way you are not getting after one person but you are still sharing your opinion. There are many times I have written a reply and after I reread it, it sounded too negative, so I deleted it, or removed the negative part of the reply. Does this take extra time to do, yes but it can save a lot of hard feelings by doing it. There are a lot of members that are trying to share information and are proud of their success when they make a post and are not trying to do it for the “glory”. It is boring to be nice to your fellow member? I hope not but that is your call. It is really hard to make everyone happy but I hope you can at least understand what we are trying to do here. We hope everyone will feel welcome to post a report and not feel like they are being attacked. Please don’t feel like I’m directing my comments just to you, there are other members that have done just what you and brookieguy1 did and by starting this thread, I’m hoping everyone can learn from it and it will make our site better. Bottom line, if we all could walk a mile in our neighbors shoes I guess we could better understand how they feel but since that can’t happen, I hope I have explained this so everyone can see how others might feel when someone expresses their opinion.
09-25-2010, 05:10 AM
WH2 don't stop doing what you do. I have been a semi lurker over the last couple of years but all I ever see from you is trying to make new people feel at home. even when you're the only reply to a post. thank you.
WaveWolf. I have read most of your posts over time about BC and although I enjoy them I think I can speak for at least some people when I say that they have never made me jump up and run to fish BC. I never have fished it before but maybe sometime I will thanks to you. Don't let people make you want to stop posting when there are people that really do appreciate what you have to say. I like to hear about a good day of fishing no matter where it happens.
WaveWolf. I have read most of your posts over time about BC and although I enjoy them I think I can speak for at least some people when I say that they have never made me jump up and run to fish BC. I never have fished it before but maybe sometime I will thanks to you. Don't let people make you want to stop posting when there are people that really do appreciate what you have to say. I like to hear about a good day of fishing no matter where it happens.
09-25-2010, 05:25 AM
dont stop posting! i have a ton of people that hate me for posting also, but i could care less about them. funny thing is, face to face every thing is cool. i look forward to more of your reports.