I heard somewhere that there is a triathalon being held at Pineview Saturday. I looked on the site and it says they are beginning out of Port Ramp Marina. Anyone know if they are closing that marina to launching boat? Wanted to head out tomorrow but not sure if it will be open.
I would like to know as well, i haven't heard about this and planned on going in the morning
i am also going up, you should still be able to launch. just get there early so you can find a place to park... I wish i had a boat. maybe i could catch alot more muskies. but that is okay i can catch alot from shore...
Yep Port Ramp will be closed at about 7:30 until 2:30...we were up there today and that's what the Port Ramp host told us...if you get up there early and I mean early you can park at the Port Ramp...but I'm holding off going back up there until possibly Sunday. Good Luck if you go.
Thanks for the heads up. Any idea where the swimming is taking place? If I make it out, I may launch from the other ramp (assuming that's open, correct me if I'm wrong). Thanks.
from what i could find it looks like they are running from the dock across the dam
and up the hiking trail to snowbasin, there wasn't any mention of swimming, not saying there wont be swimming if it is a triathlon. I still plan on going though just have to take ogden canyon instead. Still not sure if i will take the tube or bank it.
From what I was told by the Port Ramp host...the swimming will be at the Port Ramp. Anderson Cove camp ground ramp will be open and also I believe Cemetery Point Ramp will also be open...but mind you expect a lot of traffic going up the Canyon...
All great info. Thanks for filling us in on the details. I didn't know anything about the triathalon. Me thinks Sunday sounds like a better day. Been really wanting to give Pineview a shot. There's been some great threads that've helped "get to know" the lake, for having never "been" there.
I'd sure like to get into some Crappie. Sounds like up by the campground, inlet is good for them? Perch toward the dam? Musky anywhere you can find 'em!!!
Are bass moving deeper, or has the water not cooled much yet?
How deep is the lake? Anyone use downriggers?
I know there's catfish there, but I don't hear folks talk much about 'em. Nothing like the fat cats coming from Willard or Cutler.
Ok -talked myself into it. Time to go answer some of these questions for myself!
Hitting Hyrum this afternoon, see if we can find the crawdads this time, and maybe a few trout or bass too! Though I could probably use some perch-meat for bait.
Good luck out there, let us know how you do.
Went to pineveiw this morning, got several cats (pineveiw only has mud cats as far as i know), one smb and one carp. my wife and i were fishing the old road area from shore.
IMHO you don't need downriggers for any fish on PV unless you want the lure at a 'specific' depth.
Perch and Crappie of size will be in deeper water and off drop offs such as the Narrows (portion that leads to the dam).
Yep folks are catch'n dink Perch and Crappie from the shorelines but the real keepers will be shallow very early move out to 'deep' water...then move back shallower late evening to feed...they'll be on the bottom or a foot or two off the bottom in 'deep' water during human hours...
Break down on PV depths roughly as follows:
Narrows in the middle about 53'
North Arm at the mouth beginning at Browning point working back will be 42' back to no water
Middle find the old river bed and that will be roughly mid 40's...back to Spring Creek about 20'. Middle swim beach area is shallow water...Gerresten bay mouth starts at low 30's till the back.
South ard will be 50' going back to the Anderson Cove Camp Ground will drop to 15' and less back in the South bay is anywhere from inches to 8'.
SMB and LMB are still in shallow water and on the shorelines...We've done well for them tossing jigs...let the jig settle to the bottom and work it back to the boat...if you're ontop of the shoreline...not much work the lure to water depths of 19'...again slowly jigging off the bottom...some nice SMB and LMB to be had.
We're most likely headed to PV tomorrow for a very few hours in search of the beast where all other fish are a great breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner...Good Luck