Fishing Forum

Full Version: How to fish from boat at East Canyon or Hyrum...without trolling?
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Just curious how to fish these two lakes? Wondering if you can throw jigs or drift bait? I just think trolling is kinda boring.


Yeah, throw jigs, cranks, bait to the cover and also bounce the jigs off the bottom. Works great all the time. Since I don't have anything but a small toon that is what works for me. No trolling necessary.[cool] Also throw some spoons out for the trout.
I don't have any experience with east canyon (yet [Wink]) but I've done pretty good trolling for trout at Hyrum - pop gear either leadline or downrigger. Around the deeper areas - midlake, along the south shore.

But when that hasn't worked I've anchored up around the inlet - where the weeds really start. Schools of trout along the cliffs.

Also tried anchoring up by "the cars" and pitching spinners or jigs for bass. Tried from the shore by the campground and got into some perch. In earlier spring the bass are up in the shallower areas - during spawning.