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Full Version: E-Lake over night'er..
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went up to E-lake friday afternoon and spent the night.. fishing was slow we did get some nice tigers and cutt's trolling the first day.. zipfish and nidlefish was doing best..

next morning we went out and jigged for about 3 hours and caught 8 tigers from 20 inch's to 12 inchs and 6 cutt's all around 15 to 18..

still trapping a lot of realy big fat red sides out of there.. [sly]
I need to get some red sides trapped and vacummed packed for ice fishing. I have never been to E-lake, but I'll probrably make the trip in the next few weeks. Most lakes that have the slot limits have put the hurt on the red sides.
ya might want to get there quick.. the temp's are droping fast up there.. will not be to much longer before the minnows move to deeper water..
Good to hear those tigers are finally putting on some size up there!