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Full Version: first fishing report
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Well today kochanut and I met up with FG and mojo. It was a bit chilly in the early morning but turned out to be a perfect day. Pretty much Kochanut and I went out the berry to test out our new toons and to see some good fishing. I watched FG land what is called a double i guess and it was amazing to see. In one cast she caught two fish, a rainbow and cutty. Watched Mojo become the cub chucker Wink.. Then around noon'ish they were heading out so kochanut and I took a ride up to CC.

We got there and only seen two toons out on the water. I had a fish chase my fly all the way up which was cool, but didnt end up with it because I scared it off. After watching kochanut miss alot of fish i ended up catching the only fish of the day. My very first Tiger trout.

Thats correct, I out fished Kochanut Smile

here is the link with the pics Kochanut took:
[quote fishin_gal]Thats correct, I out fished Kochanut Smile[/quote]

har har har truth be told i cut the hooks off my flys to give you a chance. all kidding aside it was a killer day with great company and watching FG land a double with one going well over 24inches was a treat!
Great job and super nice "tiger" ! Keep it coming and
thank you for sharing.[Wink]

I told ya you would outfish kochanut one day.. and this was the day.. I did not say it would happen all the time.. [sly]

great report.. and it looks like it was a great day had by all...

MacFly [cool]
I don't know, ----------------, I seem to enjoy fishing reports, especially the pic.s from the ladies rather than that old grump kochanut. Sorry man! [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]