Fishing Forum

Full Version: foodsaver, Chickamauga, Catfish, 09-26-10, Rusty
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Rusty and I got out for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon. I wanted to play with the new depthfinder and see if I could find some new spots to fish closer to the dam. We put in about 3:30 and by 4:00 I had 10 bluegills or so. I pulled up the map on the fishfinder and started looking for some structure on the channel edge. I was able to find a spot just a little bit upstream from the dam where a point comes out kind of in the channel. Get anchored up and the rods out and one of the clickers goes off. I set the hook on a baby and think just what I need another spot to catch dinks emoBang. I decide to give the spot a few more minutes and just when I was going to leave the clicker on the front rod starts screaming. I set the hook on that fish and while I am reeling it in another clicker starts screaming. I get that fish to the surface and see that its around 15 lbs and run back to the other rod to see if there was still a fish on it. There was not.... Just no bait. I get the 16 lber unhooked and turned loose and decide to give the spot another 45 minutes. I got one more fish that was 30ish lbs he wanted no part of being weighed and wasn't big enough to keep him out of water until he calmed down. Shortly after that I ran out of bait and was ready for dinner anyway. Ended up fishing til 6:15 or so and was pretty happy with the short trip with the new electronics. Would liked to have hooked the fish that had the clicker screaming the entire time I was fighting that 15 lber but oh well. I will post pictures if I can get our laptop at home to work.