Fishing Forum

Full Version: korngrinder, chick, crappie, 9/26/10, Dave
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Sorry for the late post but just couldn't get away from the football game last night. Wink Well anyway, I had to give my bosses boat back Saturday morning and now I'm back to being a bank fisherman, but thats ok. A friend of mine called and said his boat was in a slip at one of the local marinas and I could meet him over there and fish. We fished for about 2 hours and landed 33 crappie. All fish were caught on a 1/32 jig head and the flavor of the day was bayou booger. We had a good time and I did land a nice one about 14 to 15 inches. I didn't have a way to measure but he was about 3 inches longer than my crappie measurer.