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Full Version: South Marina Cat Spankin' 9-29-10
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[cool][#0000ff]Nope. Nuttin' kinky. Just another report about the everlovin' cookie cutter kitties at Willard.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]TubeBabe and I launched about 7 AM at the south marina. Still pretty darkish. But no wipers or walleyes lurking in the low light to brighten our day. Nuttin' but kitties...and a small smallie.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water temp just over 64 at launch and just over 66 when we boogied a little after noon. Air temps ranged from 52 early to about 80 at departure. Not a bad weather day. Just like summer in the fall.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Took a while to find the active fish. Nothing inside the marina channel but shad and carp. Rare to not even get a minnow chomper before getting out of the entrance.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Got my first fish...a cookie cutter kitty...on a blue plastic tube jig about 1/2 hour after launching. A few minutes later I kicked into the ZONE and it was cat-smack city from then on. Kitty after kitty...and several on each rod. Ditto for TubeBabe.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I thought the fish would be in the typical 12 to 13 feet of water, as they normally are this time of year. But NOOOOOOO. With the warm weather we have been having the fish moved into much shallower water. Got slammed in 8-9 feet today. And they were hitting lures as fast as bait. I got 8 - 10 cats on the blue/clear sparkle tube jig. I also got several on a blue-backed diving crankbait I was throwing for wipers...or whatever. Also got a small smallmouth on the crankbait. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We both had limits of kitties in our baskets early and did a lot of C&R. Tried to find some wipers or walleyes but couldn't keep the cats off whatever we used. I did have a small boil going on between me and the dike at one time. I was about 100 yards away and it was all over by the time my electric motor got me within casting range. That was the only wiper activity I saw. No bird activity other than the terns holding the channel marker buoys down so they wouldn't drift off.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Saw lots of wiper scales all over the place at the fish cleaning station so somebody is catching a few. What I can't figure out is WHY folks scale their wipers. You can fillet and skin them faster than you can scale them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Saw several boats heading out and most made a beeline for Freeway Bay. Of the boats coming back in, none seemed to be fish-heavy. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Beautiful day. No wind, clear water and enough cookie cutters to keep us both busy.[/#0000ff]
Good Looking Cats Pat N TubeBabe....You were there early this morning....Nice Post,

Shawn M
[cool][#0000ff]We were actually later than we usually like to launch...but it is getting lighter later. Must be that time of year.[/#0000ff]
Wow, I didn't even know that early existed. Jk, It sure is nice to have to the calm lake to yourself in the mornings....something I don't see on My usual Saturday 12 noon trips.

Also, My complements to the chef....The cat on the dinner table was great along with the bag of goodies. Ivan has already smoked one[Wink],

Shawn M
[cool][#0000ff]It's okay to smoke catfish. Just don't inhale.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]"Saw lots of wiper scales all over the place at the fish cleaning station so somebody is catching a few. What I can't figure out is WHY folks scale their wipers."[/#0000ff]

The other night I was at that fillet station filleting up a few wipers and seen scalles all over the place too. So, I sprayed everything down before starting on my wipers. Just before I was ready to send my first wiper carcus down the shoot, I turned on the grinder. Scales and white meat came flying out all over the place! And it kept doing that every time I turned it on. I've used that cleaning station hundreds of times and I'm thinking that there might be something wrong going on with that disposal.

By the way, way to get into the catfish. And, if you don't mind, save a piece of smoked kitty for me when I come down to pick up my rods.
[cool][#0000ff]The water part of the disposal is not working, to flush everything down the drain after being chopped up. I had to hold one of the spray units on down the disposal when finishing up the kitty carcasses. I suppose they will probably just shut it down early this year rather than fixing it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have watched other anglers cleaning their wipers at both cleaning stations and have seen several that treated them like trout. Guts, gills and scales. Some folks have never learned how to fillet I guess.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It was funny yesterday. We were just finishing up filleting our kitties when a couple of old (older than me) dudes pulled up in their trailered boat and brought over a cooler to the cleaning station. They looked at our stack of fish carcasses...ready for the disposal...and marveled at how many we had caught. They had only caught two...catfish. And they had caught them trolling for wipers. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As it turns out, they caught the cats by accident and knew nothing about them. No idea how to clean them and they only had a small pocket knife with a very dull blade. Sooooo...being the nice guy I am I used my electric knife to zip off the fillets, skin and rib cage on their two fish and put them in a nice plastic bag for them. I suggested that next time they kept catfish they break off the sharp spines. One of the old guys just held up the aforementioned pocket knife and said...with what? This is all we got. Then they asked if the catfish were any good to eat. Guess what I told him.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Only got a few pieces of smokitty left but will be doing more on the weekend...hopefully. Of course you will be welcome to another sample. But now that you are hooked, the price goes up. You know how drug dealers operate?[/#0000ff]
[quote TubeDude][cool][#0000ff]It's okay to smoke catfish. Just don't inhale.[/#0000ff][/quote]

TubeClintonDude? [cool]
sweet. really nice. that's what they look like, huh?

it's been my experience, having spent a little time at fish cleaning stations throughout the west, that some people are better off scaling, gutting, beheading and taking their fish home "whole", as their filleting skills are not as good as others.

when you have say a basket full of crappie, it's ok to practice those skills and mess up a few. But with the wiper take as slim as it appears to be this year.... sounds like they are not willing to waste an ounce of meat?..
[cool][#0000ff]But catfish do not wear blue dresses.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Define "inappropriate".[/#0000ff]
"it's been my experience, having spent a little time at fish cleaning stations throughout the west, that some people are better off scaling, gutting, beheading and taking their fish home "whole", as their filleting skills are not as good as others."

[cool][#0000ff]And that's a fact, Jack. I am appalled at the destruction of fine fish flesh I witness at fish cleaning stations on Utah Waters. Some tanglers really know how to make little ones out of big ones.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]TubeBabe will verify that we have tried to show a whole lot of fish-smashers how to fillet fish...both with regular fillet knives and with electrics. I always carry a good sharpening stone in my traveling fish processing bag and I have sharpened many a knife for people on the spot. Can't believe they actually try to fillet fish with knives their kids use for digging in the dirt...or their wives use for cutting vegetables against a granite countertop. [/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Gotta admit I enjoy "showing off" for some of the folks who have been struggling with their catch. I just reach over, grab a couple of their fish and go zip zip with my electric. It is always fun to watch their jaws drop when they see the clean, efficient and fast results of the electric fillet knife...compared to what they have been doing. I wish I got a commission on all of the electric fillet knives I have helped sell over the years.[/#0000ff]
Nice to hear of tubebabe's and your continued success.Great post as always. It always amazes me how many cats you two catch. I have gone to the Light pole side of Willard on several different nights with my son inlaw and caught VERY little.
We have had very good success at Mantua fishing for Bass and trout on our toons. Maybe we should get another Willard foatilla scheduled before it gets too cold. PM me if you are interested.[cool]
P.S. I put in a few pics of the Mantua fish ,for summer posterity.
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Todd, good of you to pop in. Haven't heard much from ya for awhile.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Willard generally rewards us with plenty of kitties. And we almost always do best in that same area we sent you guys down to on our last floatilla. That's where we got into them yesterday...after fishing a lot of unproductive water both before and after. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There are a couple of spots like that near the north marina too. But they are not always so generous.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I like to fish Willard clear up to iceup. The walleyes and the crappies get more cooperative in the cooling waters and often come inside the harbors. Wipers have been tough for everybody this year. I have not even landed one yet. But there are always the cooperative cookies.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Don't have any specific plans for a next trip to Willard but maybe we can put together something for about mid October. Got some decent fish around that time last year.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We also need to plan a rematch on Pineview. We need to replace that silly picture of you in your avatar...maybe holding a giant crappie...or tiger.[/#0000ff]
Sounds good! Let me know later. I could use a new avatar pic.
Nice work TB & TD! Anudda fine mess o' whiskers.

Pat I'm finally mending my ways and gettting my act together - planning to get on the water with a little more consistancy. I'll be fishing most Friday's in October & November. If you find any available room on you dance card lemme know and we'll set something up. Would very much like to get out with you.

[cool][#0000ff]I hear Deer Creek a'callin'. PM me when you see a hole in your schedule and we will do something creative.[/#0000ff]
Yep, I've hear that call as well. PM forthcoming.
That basket of fish looks delicious. Way to go on the Cats!
[cool][#0000ff]Those Willard Bay cookies are some of the finest eating fish...of any species...from any waters.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Had some last night...grilled in a basket (see picture). They come out so tasty and flaky that they can easily be compared to fillet of sole. After seasoning and grilling we dribble on some garlic shrimp butter (see pics). We first melt the shrimp bouillon in boiling water (2 tablespoons) and then mix it with the melted butter and some garlic powder. You can use it as a dip or dribble it over the fish. Instant Utah shrimp.[/#0000ff]
Congrats on the haul. [cool] I tried a wasabi ginger marinade for cats, and I wondered if I'd died and gone to heaven. [angelic]

Speaking of selling fillet knives - what model you liking these days? My wife got me a Rappalla brand last year. And it's OK, but doesn't go thru the bones as easily as I wished it did, 'specially on cats.

FishKillr and I done real good for white bass the other day and I had a chance to really work on my chops. (Pun intended.) Though I had to stop a couple times because the thing got so hot I couldn't hold it. Can't imagine it's going to last forever...

Too many fish to fillet is a problem I enjoy having. [cool] I still gotta git to Willard one 'o these days!

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