Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, chickamauga, crappie, 9/29/10, Bassert
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After a morning of chores that had to be done, there I wuz, sitting around doing nuttin, and had a brainstorm. Call and harass Bassert. So, I called him to see if he was fishing and he said no, but his boat was hooked up and he was thinking about going. I told him that if he was going, that he could pick me up as he passed my house on the way to the ramp. He thought that was a splendid idea. emoIdea <br /><br />He was there around 11:30 or 12:00 and we launched for a day of crappie fishing. Fishing was again a little bit slow, but we caught over 20 crappie. I wasn't keeping count, Pat had the clicker today. We caught several bass, spots, largemouth, and yellows. One lone bluegill and I caught 2 blue cats that just loved my 2.75 inch Gulp minnows. I couldn't catch any crappie on that bait for those slimers eating them up. So I quit fishing with them.<br /><br />We fished Pat's secret spot and he was disappointed. He told me that he caught 12 crappie in a row yesterday PM on this spot, but we didn't even get a bite there today. I think that Pat was pulling my leg. emoPoke And he could very well do that after I spilled battery acid on my fishing shorts while changing the trolling motor battery. He was laid up with a bad back and so old DK came to the rescue. After I show Wanda my shorts, I don't know what she will do. Pat may be in big trouble. (Just teasing). Wanda had already threaten to throw these old rags away that I have been wearing. But they were just getting to feel comfortable and now they are ruined. emoBang <br /><br />Best lure was a ghost bg 2" shad, but the albino 2" panfish assassin came in a close 2nd. Pat has all the bragging rights today. Caught the biggest crappie, biggest bass (3.0), but he was running the trolling motor and Yellburt knows what my handicap was today. emoPoke Pat asked me where I wanted to fish, and I told him that he was the captain of the ship today and I was just riding around with him. I did offer a couple of subtle suggestions, but Pat is a little bit slow and didn't take the hints. emoPoke emoUpSmile <br /><br />Anyway, we fished til 5:00 pm and I got a call from the boss (Mrs DK) who is under the weather with Montezuma's revenge, thanks to Wallace Smith elementary school (Gabrielle had it yesterday) and asked me if I was going to fish all day, and I took the hint and hastened home. We released all fish today and we had some nice ones too. I caught crappie in 2 feet of water today in one place. Amazing. But most were deeper.<br /><br />I enjoyed my day with you, Pat. I didn't even harass him today like I usually do. I think that he enjoyed it too. emoBigSmile emoGeezer