10-01-2010, 09:00 AM
<br /> Jim and I launched around 2 this afternoon and stayed til dark. <br /> Started off fishing the banks in the creeks and main lake with jigs, like I have been lately. Hardly found any fish at all. Caught 3 or 4 in the first 3 hours. Finally decided to change gears and get out on the points to see if anything was holding to them.<br /> Sure enough they were. We caught fish after fish for the next 3 hours, all came off worms in 15-25FTOW. Dropshot rig. Better fish were biting too. Nothing huge but decent ones. Had 4 spots going 17&amp;quot; and a very very fat LM going 17&amp;quot;. Plenty of them in the 16&amp;quot; and 15&amp;quot; range too. By the end of the evening, we had 30-35 fish in the boat. 90% of them coming in the last 3 hours, so it was action packed. emoLaugh <br /> The largemouth went almost 3.5lbs, and the two biggest spots may have been about 2.5lbs. Had a ton of 2lbers in the mix. Suprised we didnt hook the 4 or 5lb spot the way things were going, maybe next time. emoWorthy <br /> Will add the pictures once I get them from Jim here in a little while. So hang tight emoToast