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[fishin] Any one no where a good place to go catch sturgeon near boise be sides cj strike and also do the stergeon candy squid work good from cabelas never cought one and just got a new sturgeon rod and real from a freind thanx!
Near Boise, your only bet will be at Swan Falls. If you really want to hook one, you may as well drive the extra 40 minutes to Strike.

I've tried the sturgeon candy, and I'm sure it works, but I've never caught one on it, and I don't think some of the other more active sturgeon fisherman here have used it much either. You'd be best off with fresh cutbait. Panfish like small crappie, bluegill, pumpkinseed work, and I caught one a few days ago on a trout head and have caught them on carp too.

What kind of rod and reel did you get?
Welcome to BFT. Hope to hear from you often. When you go, report back and let us know what is going on. People are usually more willing to give up some info once you have given them some info.

Good luck on the sturgeon fishing.

Thanx for the info ill try trout or crappie like you said and let you know how i do. My new pole is ten foot master custom striker with xr7 quantum reel ! I also am waiting for my boat to get out of the shop and would like to put in the snake but a little worried because it propeller not jet have you heard of any one putting in at swan and going to cj with a prop? Thanx again for the info!
You can do it, if you don't mind buying a new prop and possibly new lower unit. My son tried with his Triton a few years back. Didn't work out too good.

I've been way up there when the water was extremely high in my Skeeter but was nervous the whole way.

You can go about 6-7 miles without any problems. There is a pump house on the right and an island on the left and it gets shallow. That is about as far as I would go. If you have a depth finder watch it real close.
If you're wanting to put your boat in at Swan and drive it to Strike you're looking at one heck of a long day. Would have to recommend putting in at Grandview that way you're only about 7 miles or so from Strike dam. With the way the water fluctuates below Strike you really have to be careful with a prop. You can do it but you have to accept the fact that you might bounce it on the ground a time or two. I've been down there with a prop a couple times and did alright, but we did dig it into the ground a couple times but it was a pile of junk anyways so no worries. As far as sturgeon near Boise, you're best options are gonna be Strike or Swan. However you could also try off maprock road out by Walters Ferry. Probably less of a chance to catch one as at Strike or Swan but my stepdad hooked into one catfishing out there so I know they're there. Must give you a heads up as of today it is officially Duck Killing time and on the snake out at walters ferry, and below strike you're gonna have duck hunters all over especially on weekends. I personally plan on making a few Duck killing Sturgeon Catching combo adventures this year down there. Most people are good about this and I know the river belongs to everybody but if you see somebody set up with decoys hunting give em some space. One last thing and I'm done, If you wanna catch a sturgeon go to the snake anywhere between Strike dam and Grandview. Find the deeper holes and you will catch them. Might take a few trips but you will catch them. Then after you catch them and have some sweet pictures and people ask where it was...... Tell them it was Oregon or Washington or something. Aint no sturgeon anywere in idaho but in Hells Canyon and they shouldn't even waste their time trying. [Wink] It's getting crowded.
fishidforlife- i loved the last part of your post! haha.

srppaintig- where did you get you xr 70 reel? my buddie has had the combo for years and its still goin strong, i actually fought a fish for 2 hours with that reel lol. ive been trying to find a place to buy one as im having really bad luck with okumas reel Sad
If you're going to be fishing from a boat with a prop, I'd think twice about running on the snake below strike dam. I would recommend fishing up the snake arm of cj strike above the dam. go up the snake a ways and look for any deeper spots (40 ft or more) and you'll catch sturgeon there. Good advise on bait. You want to use something fresh if possible. Use fresh crappie or trout. If fresh bait is absolutely not available, then I'd go with frozen herring. Good luck and let us know how you do.
its been a great fishing year for sturgeon for me and the best bait i have found is pickled herring in wine sauce that i wrap to the hook wiht thread to keep it from falling off. crappie seems to work second best for me with trout a distant third