Fishing Forum

Full Version: Bprice, Wheeler Dam Tailrace, Smallmouth Bass, 10/7-8/10
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<br /> This week is fall break in North Alabama, and Amanda had the entire week off. We decided to get away and rent a cabin at Joe Wheeler State Park. Of course I had a motive behind picking that spot, as I knew the smallmouth would be on fire. We only got to fish 3 hours Thursday and 90 minutes today. I could've gone all day, but that wasn't up her alley. Boated 20 smallies Thursday, with most being in the 2 lb class. I lost an absolute BRUTE at the boat. Seriously had to be 5+ lbs. Joined in with the 201093003 boats below the dam this morning, and only fished for 90 minutes. I boated 9 smallies, with a few in the 3-3.5 lb class. Parked next to Slo-Ride (only man I've ever seen that tows with a JETTA! Smile ), and looked for him out there, but i lost all my numbers with my new phone. I'm sure he did well. <br /> All fish were caught on the outside eddies with 1/2 oz carolina rigged Foley spoons. I had Amanda fishing a 1/4 oz rig so we could limit her hanging up. However, that kept her from the better fish, as they seemed to be hanign on the bottom.