Fishing Forum

Full Version: Rockport 10/13/10
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Hit Rockport about 11am today with the dog. Quite a late start, but the fish didn't seem to mind. They're definitely active. I didn't take the boat and just figured i'd shore fish for a couple hours. They're hitting really, really light and were a tad bit difficult to hook into. I missed a lot more than i caught. However, i managed to bring home dinner and a couple for the smoker. The first one to shore was a bit of a dink (12"), but he was bleeding so bad i thought it best to keep him. The second was a nice one at 18 1/2", 3rd was a dinkier dink at about 5", he was let go, then the third was 14" or so. A productive and wind free day at the port. Bites were coming every 6 minutes or so on just about anything you wanted to throw at them.
Nice report and picture, good to hear the catching is turning on at the Port. Did you notice if anyone was catching any perch?
No perch that i saw. I haven't seen a perch come out of there for a while now.
congrats on the fishing. I appreciate the big picture. some people put little ones that are less than an in. on the screen. [Wink]