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Short story. Left the boat at home to just bank it. My fishing budy has been doing well and he took me along for a ride Sunday morning.... (thanks Bro).

I threw some rattle traps hoping for a Musky and hooked into a smallie that I couldn't land so I switched over to the smallie getta red tube w/white skirt when this toothy thing graced me with his presence and even Smiled for the camera sporting his/her new Jig Bling.

This one put on quite an areal attack. I consider it catch of the year for me.

The cup for reference is 8 inches.
Very nice [cool] what # line do ya use?
Just 10lb test for the Jig. Was not prepared for sure.

I did learn that the go-to-gear... never to forget gear... is the needle nose pliers. Luckily I did grab that. But no net and just my cell phone for the pictures.

I figured if I did hook/land one with the light gear and lost the tackle at least that means I got into one. A price I was willing to pay.

I use the rod set up that I know how to handle. For the Wipers I throw the mighty SS Jr tied directly to 20 lb test with my light bait caster but no need to worry about teeth-nash-n, snagle-tooth toothy-critters.

Regetfully after reading the other posts maybe thats all I should have taken, but I left both baitcaster and spooks at home because I knew I would be throwing for bass, crappie and perch with the small jigs which means the go to 6 ft ugly stick and medium Shakespear spin reel that cuddy buddy nabbed at a yard sale for $5 earlier this summer. I threw on fresh line and went fishing fo sum bling to add to the picture collection. I think it was outa the water less than 2 minutes and he left in a hurry.
nice muskie dude. I better than what I have done. I have tried for a muskie for the past few weeks and haven't even caught a small one. keep it up and congrats
nice job on the musky!
Nicely done. Good on ya - you found the beast!
The tubes the tubes.... meant to pitch some of those in my hunt for bigger bass. Next time for sure!

Sounds like they are hitting pretty good from shore. What part of the lake were you fishing from? Did you move around alot, or just cast and cast...

I had something hit my crankbait at Newton - it was NOT a dink perch, but I don't think it was a musky. But it got off -alas. Did land some perch, and a couple crappie.

Seen any crappie down at Pineview? I heard they've got some good ones in there.

Thanks for the post and pix. PV - still on my list!
[cool][font "Comic Sans MS"][#0000ff] Now that's what I'm takin' 'bout , Excilent catch & congrat's . [sly] What a great way to enjoy the outdoor's & Mother natuers wonders . Thank's for sharing .[/#0000ff][/font]
Congrats... What a blast!
congrat's on your muskie. i have quit a few hit my tube jigs. while fishing for bass. they will hit anything you have. just got to find them. i have caught them on 5lbs test all the way up to 15 pound test. i have never caught them on while using still leader. you just got to set your hook fast before they put it all the way in. have fun there are bigger. but congrats on yours they are awesome and addicting.. pineviewfisher
I have tried to fish for muskie with no success. [frown] How do you get a muskie to not bite your line off if you have no steel leader? I am sure the steel leader scares them a little bit but I would be too scared to not put one on then have the muskie take my lure?
I really not trying to take a crack at your fishing style I just barely started fishing about a year ago. My last comment might have been a little strong but I am just curious. I have really tried to catch a muskie and any information is one step closer to me catching one. thanks
How do you get a muskie to not bite your line off if you have no steel leader?

I think he said that he sets the hook quickly so the jig is in the tip of the mouth so the teeth gan't graze the line.
Karma and a prayer.... Literally.... Dear Lord.... I have been a good boy all year, I've practiced selective harvest so please, please, please let me land this one just this one time....

And a whole lot of luck.

hahahhahhahhaha i kill me.
alot of the bigger tiger's will hit your line and it will feel like a snag. so it is a feel for them. once you get the feel of what a snag and a musky. it doesn't come over night. but once you catch one then you will know what i am talking about. but that is the bigger muskies. the little muskies you will know they hit and they hit hard. just try to set your hook fast so the teeth can't get to your line. trust me i have lost alot of good size muskies.. i catch all my muskies from shore. on all the muskies i have caught they will come to shore then take off again they will usually do that 3 times. then grab hem by the tail and put your hand behind the gill plate. but do not put your fingers in the gill plate it will hurt the fish and it will cut your fingers all up.. this is the best time to catch them.. I would show you around but i am in north dakota working. and i am not sure when i will be back in utah.. good luck and tight lines.. hope all this makes sense... Pineviewfisher
sounds good. I assume this would work just the same from a boat then right? Thanks for the info
it should work just throw your lure close to shore. but hardly ever fish from a boat.. maybe use curly tails.... hope this works for you.... Pineviewfisher