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Full Version: Duck Regulation question
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I just wanted to make sure I understand correctly. Shooting hours end AT offical sun set. and not 30min. after, for waterfowl.. I can see where it plainly says that is the case on the refuges and management areas, but i didnt know if that also applies to private land. I did call the DWR but he seemed Confused by my question. Thanks for any help.
It's the same time everywhere. Check the proc time tables it will tell you every day of the season.
+ 1 on its the same everywhere proc. clearly says day by day shooting hours to the minute and it changes daily.
The others who have responded are correct. With that said, I find the shooting hours interesting to say the least. In the morning, when legal shooting hours begin, I can barely see birds, let alone identify them. Yet, when shooting hours end, it is still light enough to see well enough to identify species. Seems as if those times should be shifted a little bit. Anyone, else have this same problem? My first shot of the day takes place about 15 minutes AFTER legal hours begin since I want to identify the birds before pulling the trigger.
Amen BearLakeFishGuy, [Smile] Thanks guys! And i have seen the time table in the proc. but wondered if that was just for the refuges or something. I appreciate all the help guys!
Yeah they need to adjust it some. Shift both to 10 minutes later and it would be really nice.