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[size 2][/size]Oct 23 lake mead early morning 33 hole/rocky point report

Arrived to a empty chili rocky point lot at 430am. Decided to focus on lures only (mostly crankbaits) no bait today except the crawdad I found (see pic). Started out slow headed to a point started to toss the shad rap in the dark hopin for a strike nothing. Just as soon as the sun peaked over the hill the dink stripers went into a frenzy caught 4 sm ones all about the same size between 6-8in (see pic) threw em all back that lasted a good twenty mins then nothing for the rest of the day not even a turtle bite. While exploring the cove I came across a sleeping crawdad on the shoreline crept up and nabed him (see pic) attempted to use as bait but didn't get any bites. Couple fishin boats in and out of the coves some setting off some huge wake thanks guys. There were a gang of other bankies aswell all kept their distance, didn't see anybody else landing fish. Took off bout 10am. I also noticed the shoreline is dropping fast snapped a photo of this point I usually fish it dropped about 4-5ft since being there 2 weeks ago. Comments or questions welcome.Until then.
Sounds like your day was just a little better than mine! Although your crawdad is a nice trophy. Hopefully things pick up soon.
dang, good crawdad pic. Ive never seen one at mead yet.
Sometimes you catch a limit sometimes you dont every area of mead is a lil different. Was hopin to get a cat on the craw tail but nada. Things will probaly get slower for us bankies from here on out. Still fish to be caught from shore but most head for deeper holes as it gets colder. Spring time the action will pick up again until then its all ice fishin for me[cool]
Yeah was a big craw to bad I couldn't land anything with it and you probaly wont see any craws if your always on ur boat[cool]
I've caught a few crawdads out there over the years but never caught a fish on one. I've even fished it next to shrimp and it seems they prefer them shelled. [Smile] I wonder if they like cocktail sauce too.