10-27-2010, 09:00 AM
We built a new canopy to put the new to me bass boat took all day to put it up. As payment Eric wanted to go fishing. So we hit the water the next day 10-23-10 at about 8 am. We fished till near dark. We went to my favorite spot and was not having any luck only caught a few small fish. Then I called a friend and asked for some help. He put me on the hot spot. We made the long run in the boat to the new spot. Got there about 11:30 water temp was between 66.7 and 68 degrees. We caught 19 crappie, one bass, five stripe, and three giles. The biggest crappie was 14 1/4 long. We brought home nine crappie and turned the rest loose. The lure of the day was bg mo glow in outlaw special. Second best lure was pearl chartreuse. Wind was fairly rough made it hard to hold the boat in position. Enjoyed fishing with Eric today. Thanks for filling the back seat. And at Eric request ROLL TIDE.Eric wanted to let every body know he caught the biggest two crappie of the day 13.5 and14.25 emoUSA emoThanks