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Full Version: Labman, Chickamauga, Bass/Crappie short trip, 10/28/2010, solo
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Hadn't been on the lake for almost a week, so thought I would slip out for a short while to see if I could find a few fish. Put in at CFP about 11:30 and went bass prospecting. Didn't do much good finding fish on the deep bite, so headed upriver a bit. <br /><br />Checked a brushpile on a creek channel for Crappie and the downscan showed a large school holding suspended in about 10-12' off the edge of some brush and a hump. Flip a jig into the school, let it sink about a 8 count and set the hook. Had a hit on almost every cast, and all the fish were very good size. No fish under 11.5'" up to just short of 14". I missed a few and quick released a couple when I tried to lift rather than net them. Got 16 into the boat and I decided to stop.<br /><br /> Moved into a shallow bay and threw a Sammy on the edge of some weeds. Water was about 7' deep and fish were hitting probably 10' from the weeds. Landed 3 keeper LM, but nothing big. Still good fun on topwater. Started to get very windy about 3:00, so messed around with the depth finders a bit and then headed in.<br /><br /> It was interesting see the sonar and downscan side by side showing the large crappie school. It is more of a mass on the sonar, while the downscan shows the individual fish. Very cool. I meant to do a screen shot, but got caught up in the action and forgot. All fish released for another day. Crappie bait of the day was a 1/16 BG Shad in Blue Ghost, Blue Grass, and a Slabslayer in Blue and White. I think they would have hit most anything that got down to them.<br /><br />Regards, Labman<br /><br />