fished pineview this morning n. side narrows only got 4 smallmouth largest 10" using 3" black grubs hustler showed up got a couple of smallies himself on 4" senko plus a surpize fish which ate one of his smallies but thats his story to tell
Met up with Aquaman at pinview this morning. He was already in his tube when I got there. I decided to stick to the shore. We where on the North side just over the dam (narrows). I was using a senko knockoff - wave worms swirl series 4". I hooked my first smallie shortly after arriving but one off them "Tigers" didn't seem to have the patience to wait till I released him and decided to have breakfast! He smacked the smallie grabing him near the head and somehow managed to hook himself also right in the jaw perfect hookup! You can imagine my surprise when I got a look at him with an 8" smallie clamped tightly in his jaws. Kind of looked like those old cartoons with a dog holding a bone between his jaws.
I was using my ultra light combo (great fun[laugh]) but he seemed to come in pretty easily, probably in shock, until he got a look at Aquaman who was knee deep in water waiting to grab him. Guess he didn't like the look of him because he took off with a vengance stripping line and almost spooled me and repeated the scene at least 2 more times. I don't think the fishies like you too much Chris [

Wish I knew how long I was fighting him It was quite a while. Aquaman was standing in that water for at least 20 minutes plus the time it took him to beach his tube and get over to me. Well... the

part is he spit the smallie and without that 8" cushion between his toothy jaws he easily clamped down on the line and "Hasta La Vista". The good news is we got the smallie[cool] bite marks and all. Chris guesstimated the length at 34" but I say 60"[angelic] who are you going to believe?
Chris, why didn't you dive in a grab him? He was only about 3' away from you and dog tired, you saw how slow he swam away. I think you would have won that wrestling match!
After Chris left at about 11:30 I high tailed it over to the south side, did alittle cliff hanging to get to the water and caught around 15 nice smallies. All where well over 12" except for 1 at about 6". I'm sure I missed 2 bigguns cause I couldn't move them with my ultra light and off course they spit they hook.
Hey !!!!!! its against the law to use live bait . LOL !! I think I will go with Aquamans tape measure guess . So that would mean your 6" bass was only 3.2" . LOL 
] Glad you had a great time . Just don't make all there mouths sore before the weekend . I need some fun too !! I wanted to go up this evening and get in front of that storm but to much to do tonight . Thanks for the report .
I think those muskies are attracted to Aquaman. He always has an encounter with a muskie when goes to pineview. You know, they kinda look alike. LOL.
Great story Hustler it gets your heart pumping does'nt it.
You know now that you mention it that would explain alot! He may have thought aquaman was his "gold digging" wife. "Honey, what do you got between your jaws, give it here". Can you blame the fish for running?
i feel SOOO loved you guys show no mercy beleive it or not al when that muskey broke off i all most did dive after it the thought was there but he was right next to a big rock and i just did'nt want to go head to head (rock) with it
All in good fun
] The scary thing though is I know you would have done it! It would take alot to get me near those teeth, especially in the water on his own turf.
Nice report Hustler, that must have been a rush when that big set of teeth came up after the smallie. Too bad you didn't get it in, that would have been a cool picture, a muskie with a smallie in it's mouth. Better luck next time. WH2
How early in the moring were you fishing. I've hear for the tiger muskie it better the eariler you go. Was also wondering what side of the resivor you were fishing on?
Old Doug Miller reported on Saturday the the DWR had trapped a 73" muskie from pineview. Now that's a fish.[shocked]
I hope one of you luck muskie boys (with a steel leader) has a chance to land that mouth of teeth.
That's see 73" = 6' 1" - that longer than me - WOW...
Does anyone know more about this? Did they trap it and RELEASE it, or was it the victim of a gill netting or electroshock and not returned to the water? A monster like that, I hope it's still there! I've wanted to go up to Pineview and fish for muskies since I was like 17, but never went. It's a bit of a drive from Provo, and school keeps me pretty busy. Where are my priorities?! [crazy]
Fish Face.LOL[

hi maddawg i got there before six when it was still dark but it was about 830 am when hustler hooked the muskey we where fishing the N. side narrows across from the house
Sound good. Thanks for the infor. One of these day's I'm going to go up there with the fly rod and see if I can't stick on of them bad boys
hey dawg whats up G whoa were did that come from LOL you ever check out utah outdoor online magazine theres a interesting article on fishing musky befor ice up that might interest you its not about flyfishing but it might give you some ideas about location and times to fish good luck hope you get one
No don't think I've seen that one. I'll have to check it out. I had heard that just before ice (late fall) and just after ice is the best time to fish for them When the edges are a bit warmer then the sides. I know this time of year they do go a bit deeper as the edges are just a bit to hot for them. Thanks for the info on the online mag. If you have a link that would help a lot. In the meantime I'll be looking for it
hi dawg not sure how to add a link here but you can try this using the google search type in utahoutdoors that will take you to a page of links click on utah outdoors magine fishing hiking national parks ... this will take you to there home page scroll down to the articles on the right under recent posts from our archives go down 14 titles to musky fishing from shore
To add a link first go to the page you want to link too. Then highlight the address and right click. Hit copy, then come back to the board and when your typing your message right click again and hit paste. It should appear wherever the cursor is. Try it.
oh i know how to do that [url ""][/url]