Fishing Forum

Full Version: Ok you tight lipped D.C. fisherman...Spill it!!
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Ok....So I drive past Deer Creek almost every day. As I drive by, I see all you guys out there fishing. You know who you are! I have seen at least 20 boats on the water and a full parking lot every day for the past two weeks.

What's the deal? I haven't even heard a peep about that lake on the forum in a long time. Either a lot of people are doing really crappy or there are a lot of stingy guys out there who don't want to open their mouths to share.

What's up guys?


What techniques you guys using that is working this time of year?
[cool][#0000ff]Don't get your knickers in a knot. Unless you really enjoy catching dinky freshly planted trout you ain't missin' much. Only an occasional 16 incher.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Most mornings the same group of dedicated dingbats is out there dragging pop gear and worms to reduce the oversupply of tiny trout. Not many of the larger fish coming in. And there are very few perch...and they are scattered and deep.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I posted a couple of reports a couple of weeks ago, just after the big planting of hatchery pets. And I have had several emails and PMs from other guys who have been trying it. [/#0000ff]