Hey, I am gettinjg ready to buy a Plueger spincast reel. Is it worth the investment?? It is only 50 dollars but I am unemployed at the time and every penny counts.
Before anyone says anything about it the investment will worth the fish I catch. There were times last year I was thankful I knew how to fish. At least I could eat.
I cant say anything about the reel, I have not seen that one in the shops around me.
I can useualy get a good insite on them if I can put them in my hand.
with the lower end reels one should get a hold of it and play with it to see if it is ridged, smoth, and every thing is tight.
is this something you plan on buying online or do you have the oppertunity to get out to a store and look at it?
no doubt that a reel is a good investment, The reels you select means a lot between throwing your cash in to the drink or needing a drink to wash your fish down.
I hear ya on the fishing for dinner thing. Cans of spagattios gets old after a while, and they coust a buck and a half each, and if your trying to feed a family... there goes the pocket book out the window...
Ya, its grand to be able to afford to catch and release, and I do so when I can. But self presivation sets in at some point in time, one can eat just so much veggies.
I will keep an eye on this for a cople days, if I dont see any one else ringing in to let you know something about this reel, I will move the post to our tackle and tips board where you may get a little more veiwers.
I had one for a few years before I threw it out. Didn't like it one bit. Try a shimano for your price range or contact fish4fun for a good deal.
I guess I should have been more specific on which model. Its the Pflueger president series and it is at wal-mart. I have not taken it out of the package and they do not put the handle on the outside like others do. I'm sure they would let me take it out as I am a regular customer.
Someone else suggested shimano. But the ones at walmart just look really cheap.
You know walmart always takes merchandise back ussually without question. I could always take it back if it looks like a bad purchase.
I am just looking for something I can really sling out there since I fish from the bank in the land between the lakes area. I was planning on rigging it up with some braided line and a six to seven ft pole. I had a spincast rigged up like that in florida and it made a good all around pole for Reddington pier or the shore. Whiting and sheepshead were my fish of choice then. now its crappie, bluegill and catfish.
7ft rod with braid will get it out there no matter who's reel you buy. Bring that reel back, it's sloppy and loose.
My brother had one, it was an ok reel as far as i know but after awhile the drag quit working and he was unable to get a decent cast out of it and eventually replaced it.
Thanks for the info, It sounds like its something I shouldn't invest in. I think I will switch gears and look at the shimanos in the same price range. I would like something that is going to last at least a couple years.
What do you know about braided line and what type of eylets you should have on the rod. I have read that ceramic is the waty to go and that it will groove out the anodized alluminum eyelets???
I'm the brother that had one I loved it.... I had it for two very hard used years I abused the heck out of it and it was the smoothest reeling best casting smoothest drag reel I have had.. I got mine from sportsmans wearhouse for 64 bucks for my fathersday present.. It may have only lasted 2 hard years but in those two years I tell you I used the heck out of it it never faild to perform for me... Sadly it faild on me this year a couple months ago the drag still worked just wasn't very smooth anymore and I tore it down to clean it and found gobs of sand in it and dirt.. I got it all backtogether and it seemed to work just like new again but I let one of my friends use it and some how he bent the shaft and now it doesn't rel prperly so it's a good real.. I also have a shimano 70 doller real got it for 30 onsale because our sportsman wearhouse whent out of buisnes.. And it's an ok real I likekd my pluger better. I think next to that my fave reel has been a mitchel 300 type a it was an old real but it performand well and next to that shakespear reals then my abu garcia or my zebco real there all nice really but my fave has been my pluger presidential reel..
I like 8lb fireline in smoke. It will pull in the big boys as well as being light enough for little fish. Don't worry about the eyes as that was a problem years ago with some brands. Power Pro is a great braid as well. They won't groove your eyes.
Shimanos symetre at $99.99 is what I use on half my rods. Spirex RG looks good at $59.99. I have a Sedona, but not thrilled with it. Spirex maybe some thing to look at.
If I were to offer a suggestion, as opposed to looking at a $50 Shimano, look at a Quantum instead. Don't get me wrong, I love Shimano and their the only spinning reels I buy now, but unless you move up in price range your paying too much for a lesser product, IMHO.
By that I mean the Shimano Sahara would be what I would consider their entry level reel. If you look at any lesser reel, I believe you get more value with a Quantum reel. The other Shimano's are as far as I'm concerned over priced.
For years I used a Quantum Snapshot with great success and I still have that reel. It's beat up but it's taken alot of fish. It's not as smooth as when it was new, it's been in the drink a few times and the handle screw has been replaced with a pan head screw but it has never let me down. They have some other, better quality reels that are closer to your maximum budget that you should look for.
And as far as your wanting to fish for food, good for you. It's always satisfying to be able to provide for your family. And any way to be able to save a few dollars is a good thing. Be careful with your money by buying quality products. In the end you'll be happy you took the time to research the products and were able to get more value for your dollar. [fishin]