[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000]
Probably most of you are now familiar with the e-book concept made available via Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Liberati etc. To that end Amazon just made e-books available to be read on one's PC too. They have a free application that you can download from their site. I just downloaded for free a Fly Fishing book first published in 1899. Rather interesting reading. Not all publications are free and those that aren't are reasonably priced.[/#008000][/font]
[inline "FF book.jpg"]
That is a great find thanks for bringing it up.
You might also be interested in: books.google.com. Using their advanced search features you can have it bring up "full view" books which are ones that are out of copyright. Each of those can be read on line or downloaded in a pdf or epub format. (Calibre is a good free computer reader and format conversion program. [img]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/ADMINI%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.png[/img]http://calibre-ebook.com/download.)
Here is a seach for fly fishing books and magazines that are available for full view:
Hope that comes out right.
If you do just a regular search there you can look at just part of some of the newer books. Very nice to see if you like the book etc.
You might enjoy this one too:
Fishing in Wonderland
A 1910 look at the Yellowstone area.
What a great little book. I love the illustrations and page setup.
[url "http://books.google.com/books?id=GjE9AAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22fly+fishing%22&hl=en&ei=m-LdTKyMFY64sQO995jBCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=book-preview-link&resnum=2&ved=0CDoQuwUwATgK#v=onepage&q&f=false"]http://books.google.com/...ge&q&f=false[/url]
Sorry, not trying to sound like "one-up manship" I just get excited!
great post and idea mi amigo.. but I wont do it with amazon (for now anyway)... but I like cpierces idea as well.. in fact I have seen that on a different site where those books are made available by the site to its members... [

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000]
Just out of curiosity - why not Amazon?[/#008000][/font]
they publish a line of books for pediphiles.. showing pediphiles how to safely "conduct their business" without getting caught.. the one that was the biggest controvery, and after a long hassle, they finally removed.. but they have several other books that they have not agreed to take off the shelves... it may sound silly until they stop selling trash like that I wont do any business with them...
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000]I did read about that in the OC Register this morning and that the publication has been removed. Apparently many books are not previewed before making them available through Amazon. Something that Amazon is investigating.[/#008000][/font]
As you say the one book has been removed but a second one is in question... but their exscuse is that they dont want to censor anyone... while I agree with that to a point but another point is that even if a book is written that does not mean they have to carry it.. so as to their "investigation" I think that is a smoke screen more than anything else..
I did try what cpierce suggested and it works great... :-)...
MacFly [cool]
Too bad on Amazon! I didn't see the news on that, I will have to look it up. They are mainly a reseller or bookstore. It isn't censoring to not carry a bookin your store, in my opinion anyway. It is in good taste to keep your standards above that level, especially if you value your customers. They will lose me as a customer also if this doesn't shape up.
Some should be censored anyway, especially that type of material!!!
I was reading a bit from one of those older books awhile back and I really got a kick out of it. I think it was something like the "Complete Wetfly Approach" or something or other. Anyway it was on wet flies and had some patterns in it which was nice.
What I really liked though, was when he was talking about different equipment. We are so spoiled!! He was talking about not fishing the bigger fish and rivers until you are strong enough to cast a large rod well. His rods were wood, and made from greenheart. They were 11 1/2 to 12 feet long and were held over or behind their shoulder to fight a big fish!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000]You make a valid point mi amigo. Perhaps if enough people sent a message to their CEO they might monitor the publications that they offer more closely. BTW the police are now investigating the author of the in-questioned book to see if he did anything illegal. They're not going to have any success finding that he did anything illegal. I'm sure the AClU will show up pretty soon. Also according to the author as noted in today's OC Register. he has only sold one book.[/#008000][/font]
Thanks for the great information. I even noticed some works by Halford on Cpierce's Google search list. I've always loved Halford's writings and observations. I re-read the books I have every year or two. It's amazing to read and understand how some things don't change much even after 100 years! Yeah, he was an extreme dry-fly "purist," but I get the principles and attraction.
Nice to see technology will let us all read some older works, and for free in many cases. Bravo!
They ought to check out who bought and keep an eye on the author. They both ought to be put on a predator list.
I feel like I have been looking at a sewer. ick!
I was glancing thru one of the books that I downloaded to test the software... he was describing hooks and how to tie them up.. some of the terminology is hard to follow but it was still a good read...
MacFly [cool]
I saw a quick interview with the author and he claims he is not a pedifile but want to present the side of the pedifile so that "they" are not misunderstood.. I almost threw my remote at the tv and then realized he was not worth the cost..
as for the ACLU... IMHO they tend to pop their heads up only when there is a chance of some good publicity... how does that solve anything?
MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000]Next someone will want to present the side of the terrorists so that they are not misunderstood. All under the guise of being politically correct. Give me a break. [/#008000][/font]
exactly... by refusing to deal with amazon is my protest against their policies... it may not do much but at least I can rest easy at nite knowing Ive made my stand.. :-)
plus.. Cindy has given us an alternative until they get their act together (if they ever do)...