well i have been hunting hard since october 10th 3 days every week since then and had run into several problems, mainly not a lot of time so opted to gun hunt this year so i could scout the new areas and find some places to hang tree stands so i can archery hunt next year. i also ran into a rifle problem the remington 700 .243 i was using happens to be a pile of $%^&*.(things like bottom of clip exploding when i shot. bolt came all the way out when i tried to jack another shell.) any ways it all came togather tuesday night. i got off the beaten path on a ridge i had seen deer on a couple weeks before. i got about 600 yards out on the ridge and grunted on my grunt tube and heard something break sticks in the trees about a hundred yards away. then watched this deer come up on the ridge about 200 yards away then back down the otherside. so moved up slow about 100 yards found a stump underneath a pine tree and layed down with the stump as a gun rest. then i grunted on the tube again. the buck turned around and headed right back to the top of the ridge i was on. got to 120 yards turned broadside and i dropped him in his tracks!!!!!! not the biggest buck but i am very happy with him. here is some pics.
nice buck would make a great european mount. sure do miss those corn fed whitetails down in texas... best smummer sausage ever
he is at the taxedermist getting euro mounted on a walnut pedistul(or however you spell it.)
Nice buck man I am jealous. He is way bigger than any bucks I saw while I was in Kooskia. I think we should have waited till the rut started to go up there. Maybe next year.
Nice buck. Congrats.
Very nice. Sounds like a fun hunt.
thats awesome.... maybe one day.......
My pipe dream is to do a whitetail, steelhead trip up in northern idaho. 2 weeks of hunting and fishing would be awesome. they don't have either of those magnificent creatures down here in utah.
Nice buck.
Concerned about the problem with the Remington 700 though. Usually a good gun. Did you get your issues resolved?
I've got a 25-06 that i've had for years and have never experienced any problems. Just curious.
i think there is something wrong with the barrel. i am going to have a gunsmith check it out.
first off sounds like a great adventure!! But here is my problem I tried to open the picture and it wouldn't open for me.. As I have read it looks like it opend for every one else but I just couldn't seem to get it to open... But hey sounds like it was a great trip.
Awesome buck!!

]Nice job on the whitetail, wish we had them in Utah. I've hunted them in Nebraska and Kansas and they are a lot of fun to hunt, a lot differenter than mule deer. Their also awesome eating-----medium on the grill.
meium on the grill here also. i am also partial to pan fried or seared and put on a toasted buttered bun with a good slice of hard cheese.