All right I have read the reviews and I am almost ready to purchase one, however, this site has been the most reliable place for accurate information and sometimes I even trust it more than my own instincts. Has anyone had issues with a Nils ice auger? Are the stories true how it cuts through ice lke butter? I have my power auger and it s a beast I wish only to use in 20' plus of ice. If the legends are true this will make trips to Pala

es far less grueling. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
20' (feet) of ice? Man! I would hate to drag that around too! did you mean 20" (inches)? [


I am no hard deck fisherman, but the Utah board has had several (lots really) discussions on augers and other ice fishing "must haves"...
I've been considering the purchase myself. Everything that I have heard has been positive as well. Everet also bought one and said its been great.
I have never used one. They do look awesome. I know you have to be careful with the cutting head.
If you want to go light why not go with a 6"? I have heard that they cut even faster and if you are fishing for really big fish you could cut out the edge of the hole to a larger size. I just think if you are trying to cut weight that might be a good idea. You might catch bigger fish than I do. The only place that I can think of where it might be hard getting a fish threw a 6" hole would be Henrys. Then you can just chop a bigger hole with a spud bar.
Steelfisher is thinking about getting a Nils as well.
One of my buddies introduced me to the Nils master auger in the 6" size about 5 yrs ago. I watched him blast through 2' + of ice in under a minute! I didn't realize at the time the significance of that until I bought a cheap auger the next year and it took me more that that to go through about 6 inches! I bought the nils 6" auger last year and don't regret it a bit. It still goes through ice like butter. Ask Chrome Junky. He borrowed mine last year after his friend had a mishap with his on Ririe last year. When he returned it he told me he knew exactly what his next one was going to be, and I believe he had a popular one to start with.
As for hole size windriver is right. There are few places where you have to worry about getting a fish through a 6" hole. I managed to land a 7# rainbow last year through one. Not simple, but definitely doable, plus a little room to spare. That leaves Henry's and American Falls, maybe pali

es for where you could run into size problems around SE Idaho.
the trick w/ these augers is don't push down on them when cutting. just let the weight do the work.
Thanks for your report it s much appreciated, along with everyone elses. Well I did it I am now the proud owner of three ice augers[crazy] I went with the eight inch, due to the time I spend at Pala

es, Henrys, and IP. I have bumped a few hogs on my other six inch holes, so I went wth the eight. I will let people know how it goes as soon as we get some ice, which will be any day now. Is it crazy to ask to be ice fishing in one week?
Never crazy, just dedicated[

One other option is try two people on the auger at the same time. Two people can drill a hole faster than one with much less effort and can even out drill a power auger. Been there done this a few times.