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well here is what I am thinking and concernd about.... Condie res it use to be a very good fishery way back in the earlie to late 90's then they draind it to do somthing with the damn I don't remember what it was... Any way now thst it is full again and it has been some time like 8 or so years so it has had some time to recover... They are trying to manedg this as a trophy bass place and has any one really seen the bass in there they are sickly looking super thin faded colors just look sick somthing wrong with them.. How is that trophy bass they have the length sure but no girth there head is about 2 times the size there bodie... The perch crappie and trout look the same I havnt caught any bluegill out of there since they draind itt and very little trout I don't think they are wanting trout in there though as they want to make it a trophy bass res... Any way back on point what happened to this lake it use to be such a great fishery and well it has gone down hill bad all the fish look sick the water has a funny smell in some spots out there not all of it smells funny but in spots it does.. The habitat sems to have deminished away I would so like for this place to return to what it was 15 20 years ago to where you can take your kids and catch fish hundreds of fish so the kid actually likes to fish.. Does any one know what happened to this lost wonder.. Condie res
i think one of the problems is exactly what you said, no bluegil. i went out last fall actualy trying to target the bluegils and found very very few...
I remember those days well, I have not been back since it was drained but have seen the fish that come from there lately and it doesn't make me want to go back any time soon. You used to be able to catch bluegill and perch by the buckets full, but i would have to agree that the lack of bluegill and perch in there makes for sickly looking bass.
Maybe the eco system has not yet fully recovered from the drainage.
I too love Condie. I have seen some nice fish come out of there this year. The ones that I caught didn't seem sick.

That being said, I do think there is a lack of bluegill. It used to be my number 1 bluegill water. I haven't caught one in there since it was drained.

I got one in there about 15 years ago that was 2oz from the state record.

maby I'm just having bad luck of catching all the skinny bass and crappie out of there.... Last year about this time of year I caught some really nice perch out of there but havnt caught a perch from there since and I caught a couple of very small gills and some small bass the perch where bigger than the bass.. And now this summer early fall I caught some good length fish bass and crappie but they where skinny I have a picture of one of the bas and one of the crappie in my profile if intrested maby it still hasn't recoverd fully who knows not I all I know is it use to be a much better place I still like it for the fact it is a peacefull place rarely see any one else there and when I do there just other fishermen and keep the wake low for when your out there on a tube ... Maby next year will be different I still plan on trying it when it's frozen this season because back in the day it use to produce some nice trout and perch and gills on frozen deck season
There are still some nice bass and perch in there. I did catch some skinny ones too (I included the biggest skinny guy) but I found numerous healthy fish there this season as well. I also included a pick of one of the fluke smallies I found there this year.[inline "crank bass small.JPG"][inline "evening bass small.JPG"][inline "dinner small.JPG"][inline "smallie small.JPG"][inline "popper bass small.JPG"] [inline "weed bass.JPG"][inline "bass 2 small.JPG"][inline "bass small.JPG"][inline "perch small.JPG"][inline "lucky bass 2 small.JPG"][inline "flat rap bass small.JPG"][inline "shakey bass small.JPG"][inline "crank bass 18 small.JPG"][inline "old bass small.jpg"][inline "bass 4 small.JPG"][inline "bass small.JPG"][inline "big fat night bass small.JPG"]
guess I'll have to try harder then next season . That there perch is a nice one that's what I remember coming out of there guess I'll be there this ice season trying for some perch and trout if there are still any in there . Ell like I said befor guess all the skinny wones like my hook this year maby next year...
I caught a few of those perch this year, though it doesn't seem that there are a ton of them. Then again, I didn't target them, they all hit larger cranks and jerkbaits while I was fishing for bass. There are still some big gills in there too. I saw some very sizable ones spawning up in the shallows this spring, but I don't know where they went after that.

I never did that well at Condie up until this fall. I put in some good long trips, and I'm starting to have some more consistent success for the nice bass. As for the poor color and the smelly nasty water, it's from the algae blooms that got going at the end of the summer. Condie is surrounded by farm land, I'd imagine fertilizer running into the lake contributed to the pea soup look. Now that I have a little more confidence in the place, I'm excited to get back this coming spring.