Been hearin conflictin reports on there bein ice @ Scofield !!! Some guys I work with are sayin the damn is iced up and my nieghbor says it aint ??? Any info appreciated.. Dont want to drag my ice fishing stuff down there turkey weekend fer nothin [


] Lookin for current conditions and thickness ..FISHAMANIAC
I fished it from my boat on Saturday and there was no ice in the dam arm. There was a very thin layer in the cove by the boy scout ramp but that was gone by 9 a.m. There has been too much wind and not low enough temps. We need three calm days in a row and these storms keeping rolling through. The water temp was still 41 degrees everywhere in the lake.
I plan to take my boat out again tomorrow and I don't expect much ice if any. It will be at least another 10 days before you will find much safe ice at Scofield. I do hear many high mountain lakes are fishable/