Fishing Forum

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News from the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF)

ASF is part of a coalition calling for a halt to seismic exploration and drilling in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, which could negatively affect Atlantic salmon populations. Now the David Suzuki Foundation has raised more concerns and released simulations of how the spread of oil and gas spills would affect every Atlantic province and Quebec.

Poaching Convictions in Newfoundland - The Salmon Preservation Association for the Waters of Newfoundland (SPAWN) website keeps readers up to date on poaching convictions in Newfoundland. Since early September there have been 19 convictions. Click on the link below to read full details

Dr. Fred Whoriskey, now settling into his new role as Executive Director of the Ocean Tracking Network at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS, received ASF's highest conservation award in New York for his pioneering research in tracking Atlantic salmon at sea.

Fundy National Park, Fort Folly First Nation, and ASF biologists recently released adult wild Atlantic salmon into the Fundy waters as part of a gene-banking project. The project began after a 1999 survey found fewer than 250 adult salmon returned to 40 Inner Bay of Fundy rivers annually. These streams and rivers had a historical population of 40,000 salmon.